Sheep manure organic fertilizer production line processing fertilizer construction green agriculture

The nutrients contained in sheep manure and urine are relatively abundant, not only having highly soluble organic nutrients that can be digested and absorbed by crops, but also slow acting nutrients that are not easily soluble. They are good fertilizers that closely combine fertility and speed. Sheep manure organic fertilizer can improve soil layers, avoid land resource agglomeration, and enhance economic value.

The operating steps for fermenting sheep manure organic fertilizer production line to produce organic fertilizer:

1. Collect sheep manure and mix it with auxiliary materials such as sawdust, straw, and fungal residue in proportion. The amount of auxiliary materials added is determined by the moisture content of sheep manure, and the water content can be controlled to be around 45%. That is, hold it in a ball and see water between the fingers but do not seep, and it will disperse on the ground.

2. The mixed materials are invested in the fermentation tank and gradually aerobic fermentation is carried out. The fermentation temperature is controlled at 60-70 ℃, and the organic fertilizer tipping machine is used to flip it every two days. The function of flipping is to increase the oxygen content of the material, accelerate the fermentation process, adjust the material temperature, and the tipping machine also has crushing and moving functions, making the material more evenly mixed. The fermentation time is generally 5-10 days, and the fermentation materials should have a loose appearance, a dark brown color, and no foul odor.

3. After the fermentation of the material, it must be crushed by a biomass fuel crusher and ground into powder, which is beneficial for mid to late stage granulation. The biomass fuel crusher is mixed with materials containing very water and a certain viscosity. The particle size distribution of the crushed materials is classified broadly, and the feed particle size distribution is below 16 mesh.

4. After crushing the material, it can be granulated using an organic fertilizer granulator. The granulation methods include disc granulator, drum granulator, and roller to roller extrusion granulator. Generally speaking, the production capacity of roller to roller extrusion granulator is higher than that of disc granulator, and the production capacity of drum granulator is higher than that of roller to roller extrusion granulator. Therefore, the suitable granulation method can be selected based on the production capacity of the processing plant.

5. After granulation, it needs to undergo air drying and dehydration. According to our organic fertilizer regulations, the moisture content of the product’s organic fertilizer must be less than 20%.

6. After air drying, the organic fertilizer particles are screened by screening equipment and tested to meet the standards before being packaged and sold in the market.

The development of green agriculture and the control of fecal pollution ecological environment also need the assistance of organic fertilizer equipment. The organic matter microorganisms contained in the field soil need to be adjusted and improved through the organic fertilizer produced by the organic fertilizer equipment. Long term correct application of organic fertilizer can not only completely improve soil structure, but also make due contributions to the construction and development of green agriculture.

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