Characteristics and production technology of livestock manure Organic fertilizer equipment

Animal manure Organic fertilizer processing equipment is a relatively environmentally friendly method to treat animal manure and straw waste. It is a kind of fertilizer with both microbial fertilizer and Manure effect, which is mainly composed of livestock manure, crop straw and other organic materials through harmless treatment and decomposition.

Characteristics of livestock manure Manure:

1. There is a kind of organism and enzyme in livestock manure Manure, which can enhance the soil’s biological property and enzyme activity, increase the nutrient content of the soil, and improve the soil’s pH, so that the soil can be suitable for the growth of various agricultural crops.

2. The Manure produced from livestock manure is highly nutritious. If it is evenly distributed, it will not be added with other fertilizers for at least 100 days. This effect can not be replaced by any fertilizer.

3. During the production of Manure, drugs against diseases and pests can be added to reduce diseases, pests and rodents.

4. The Manure produced from livestock manure is highly nutritious, and in addition to the three major nutrients of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, it also contains rich calcium, magnesium and silicon, which changes the soil composition and is conducive to crop growth.

Production process flow of livestock manure Organic fertilizer equipment: raw material selection (pig manure, etc.) ->drying and sterilization ->fermentation ->crushing ->mixing ->granulation ->drying ->cooling ->coating ->screening ->metering and sealing ->warehousing of finished products. The complete equipment mainly consists of fermentation system, drying system, deodorization and dust removal system, crushing system, ingredient system, mixing system, granulation system, and finished product packaging system; (Harmless treatment of livestock manure, etc.) The fermentation system includes: feed conveyor, biological deodorizer, mixer, Organic fertilizer composter, oxygen supply system and automatic control system.

The scale of livestock manure Organic fertilizer production line and product scheme design need to be formulated according to the characteristics of raw material resources, local soil conditions, local planting structure and main crop varieties, plant site conditions, automation of Manure equipment production and other conditions.

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