The benefits of applying organic fertilizers processed on greenhouse production lines

 In the greenhouse production process, attention should be paid to fertilization and soil improvement. For most soils, the basic measure for improvement is to apply a large amount of organic fertilizer made by NPK fertilizer granulator. The main effects of organic fertilizer on soil improvement are as follows:

1. Provide more comprehensive nutrition. Organic fertilizer is a complete fertilizer, which contains nutrients and various beneficial elements needed by crops, and has a comprehensive nutritional ratio. Many plants can directly absorb and utilize many nutrients. Therefore, the more organic fertilizer is applied, the more balanced the soil nutrient ratio is, the more favorable it is for crops to absorb and utilize soil nutrients, and the more certain nutrient elements in soil are increased.

2. Organic fertilizer can improve soil structure and form micro aggregates. Microaggregate has a strong ability to absorb and store water and nutrients, release and transform, so as to improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil, and improve the buffering capacity and fertilizer supply capacity of the soil.

3. Organic fertilizer can form humus in the soil. Not only can crops be directly nourished, but humus is condensed on the surface of mineral particles in the form of plastic film, and the formation of water-soluble and insoluble complexes or chelate complexes with various metal ions controls the effectiveness of trace elements.

4. Organic fertilizer can provide essential nutrients to crops slowly and evenly. Its nutrients slowly dissolve, and it is not easy to cause concentration damage. Only manufacturing of npk fertilizer are not enough to produce, and excessive application of chemical fertilizers can easily cause salt concentration barriers.

5. The organic fertilizer production line improves soil fertility and water retention capacity. All organic fertilizers have strong cation substitution ability, can absorb more potassium, ammonium, magnesium, zinc and other nutrients to prevent leaching and improve soil fertilizer retention capacity, especially mature organic fertilizers. The greenhouse is a closed or semi-closed facility with good air tightness. During the decomposition process of organic fertilizer, a large amount of carbon dioxide will be released, which is not easy to escape. It has become an important source of raw materials for plant photosynthesis.

Practice has shown that the application of organic fertilizer not only has high yield and good quality, but also has mild disease.

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