Function and performance characteristics of manure organic fertilizer production line

In recent years, we have witnessed the improvement of environmental protection measures and increased efforts to identify environmental pollution sources. In particular, there are strict requirements for the aquaculture industry with pollution capacity. The aquaculture industry must have the ability to handle fecal pollution alone, and meet pollution-free and pollution-free standards before it can operate. Therefore, the most troublesome issue for friends in the aquaculture industry before was the treatment of feces, and the emergence of organic fertilizer production lines officially enabled friends in the aquaculture industry to thoroughly solve this problem.

Performance characteristics of organic fertilizer production line:

Organic fertilizer has a variety of organisms and enzymes that can enhance the biological and enzymatic properties of the soil, increase the nutrient content of the soil, and improve the soil acidity and alkalinity, making the soil suitable for various agricultural growth.

“The organic fertilizer produced by the organic fertilizer production line has strong nutritional properties. If it is evenly applied, no additional fertilizer is needed for at least 100 days. This effect cannot be replaced by any fertilizer.”.

During the production of organic fertilizer production lines, drugs for preventing diseases and pests can be added to reduce diseases, pests, and rodents.

“The organic fertilizer produced by the organic fertilizer granulator has strong nutritional properties. If it is evenly applied, no additional fertilizer is needed for at least 100 days. This effect cannot be replaced by any fertilizer.”.

5. The organic fertilizer produced by the organic fertilizer production line has complete nutrients, and in addition to the three major nutrient elements of nitrogen and potassium, there are also abundant calcium, magnesium, and silicon, which change the soil composition and facilitate crop growth.

The role of the organic fertilizer production line is to mix livestock and poultry manure with crop straw (after crushing), and after high-temperature decomposition, process the material into organic fertilizer, thereby achieving the goal of recycling waste. The development of green agriculture also requires organic fertilizers to assist, and the organic matter microorganisms contained in field soil require organic fertilizers to regulate and improve. Long-term and correct application of organic fertilizers can not only completely improve soil structure, but also make due contributions to the construction and development of green agriculture, and can also bring higher economic benefits to oneself.

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