How to use fertilizer composter to process solid waste into fertilizer

Measures to improve composting technology and quality of compost

Although the application of garbage compost can improve the soil and promote plant production, due to the composition of the garbage itself, the process is more professional in the fertilizer manufacturing process , which will also have a potential impact on the environment. The high cost of production, transportation and application, and poor economic benefits, restrict the application and development of compost. However, as a method of waste treatment and resource recovery, economic efficiency cannot be the only criterion for measuring, but to make it a promising method of garbage treatment, improving the composting process and improving the quality of composting are the main directions for future development.

Improvement of composting process

There is a long history of composting, and there are many technical processes. The treatment cost, treatment effect and compost quality of different process methods are different. Traditional anaerobic composting uses anaerobic microorganisms to complete the decomposition reaction. Air and compost are isolated, the temperature is low, the process is relatively simple, the nitrogen storage in the product is relatively large, but the composting cycle is too long, the odor is strong, and the decomposition is not Full substance. The modern composting process is basically aerobic composting through forced ventilation.This is because aerobic composting has a high temperature and effectively kills pathogenic bacteria.The matrix is completely decomposed, the composting cycle is short, and the odor is small. Etc.

How to sort and collect garbage, which sorting equipment is needed?

Composting is a treatment technology for organic components in garbage. The wastes such as Shikuai, metal, and glass not only affect the fermentation process of compost, but also affect the quality of compost. These substances must be sorted out and treated separately. At present, China’s urban domestic waste generally adopts a mixed collection method. Although the paper, plastic, etc. in the garbage are greatly reduced after multiple pick-ups by residents, scavengers, sanitation workers, etc., the garbage still contains some non-degradable substances such as metals and waste batteries , Waste lamps, etc. At present, in the process of composting, the method of mechanical combined with manual sorting is usually adopted. The mechanical sorting methods mainly include screening, wind sorting and magnetic sorting. Taking effective measures to promote the separation and collection of municipal solid waste in China is very necessary to save the cost of compost and improve the quality of compost.

Screening and cultivation of microorganisms, how to shorten the compost maturity cycle

Composting mainly uses microorganisms to degrade organic matter, and microorganisms are the main body of the composting process. The types and number of microorganisms in compost have an important influence on the fermentation time and fertilizer efficiency of compost. There are two main sources of microorganisms in composting. On the one hand, it comes from the composting material itself. On the other hand, special microorganisms are acclimated and cultivated to inoculate compost. These strains have the characteristics of strong activity, fast reproduction, and rapid decomposition of organic matter. They can accelerate the process of compost reaction, shorten the compost reaction time, and help reduce investment and land occupation.

Which raw materials can be processed with organic fertilizer granulator?

Which raw materials can be processed with organic fertilizer granulator?

In today’s society, with the strict investigation of environmental protection and the rapid development of organic agriculture, the use of organic waste in organic fertilizer through biological fermentation has developed rapidly in China, so the bio-organic fertilizer equipment has been highly praised, and the organic fertilizer production line has realized the harmless and resourceful treatment of organic waste. However, the organic fertilizer of biological fermentation is mostly coarse powder or irregular small pieces. It is particularly inconvenient to use, which is very unfavorable for large-scale transmission. After years of design and production experience in compound fertilizer processing equipment, manure organic fertilizer granulator, bio-organic fertilizer granulator and organic fertilizer granulator have emerged. These equipment are suitable for granulation of various organic substances after fermentation, breaking through the traditional granulation process. There is no need to dry and crush raw materials before granulation. Spherical, cylindrical and other particles can be directly processed, making the use of organic fertilizer more convenient, and promoting the use range of environmentally friendly organic fertilizer.

Features of the new organic fertilizer granulator: the particles produced are spherical and cylindrical.

1. The particles are solid and can be sieved after granulation to reduce drying energy consumption.

2. Organic particles can be embedded and grow with each other under a certain force, and there is no need to add adhesive during granulation.

3. The organic content can be as high as 100% to achieve pure organic granulation.

4. Since the water content of raw materials can reach 20-40%, the fermented organic matter does not need to be dried.

Benefits of processing fertilizer in livestock manure organic fertilizer production line

In China’s agricultural production, in order to increase the yield of crops, people will not hesitate to dump a large amount of chemical fertilizers (inorganic chemical fertilizers) into the farmland, and the use of nitrogen fertilizer, urea, and compound fertilizer composed of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium is increasing, and the concentration The higher. Although this has maintained a certain effect of increasing output, year after year, the consequences are extremely serious, the main performance is as follows:

So what the benefits of the organic fertilizer manufacturing process are?

First, the soil is compacted and solid, resulting in poor soil porosity and decreasing organic matter content, which has caused many biological groups to lose space for survival in the soil and ultimately reduced soil fertility.

Second, due to soil compaction, the soil’s water storage capacity is decreasing, and the lack of groundwater has seriously affected agricultural production.

Third, due to the soil compaction, the biological population is reduced, and the farmers ’friends are striving to increase the yield of the land, so that the amount and concentration of chemical fertilizers continue to increase, resulting in the decreasing utilization of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, only reaching 30% to 40% According to the calculation of the consumption, the loss will reach 30 billion to 40 billion yuan.

Fourth, in addition to wasting losses, a large amount of chemical fertilizers remaining in the soil continue to penetrate deep underground to form a large amount of nitrate and other compounds, causing serious pollution of groundwater, and on the other hand, it is released into the atmosphere as nitrogen oxides, making The ozone layer becomes thinner, causing ultraviolet light to affect human health and the growth of crops, and the ecological environment is severely affected.

Fifth, the use of large amounts of chemical fertilizers has reduced the quality and nutritional value of various crops. Take trace elements as an example. For half a century, the content of trace elements in some crops has dropped by about 20%, and the commodity rate of crops has declined, which seriously affects the interests of farmers and consumers and the export of crops.

In short, agricultural production cannot be at the expense of resources and the environment. It must combine high yield with high quality, low consumption with ecological security, and take the road of sustainable development of agricultural production. Otherwise, for such a long period of time, the natural ecology will be seriously unbalanced, and it will be the human beings that are damaged, and the consequences will be very serious. The use of scientific methods and the combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers to produce and process organic fertilizers using animal manure as raw materials, and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium as auxiliary fertilizers is one of the most correct ways for modern agriculture.

Green development of agriculture promotes the rapid development of organic fertilizer granulator

The agricultural machinery market has great potential for development, and of course is full of various competitions and challenges. When faced with such a realistic living environment, organic fertilizer manufacturing process has not been intimidated by the difficulties in front of it, but has embraced A positive and optimistic attitude to face everything. In fact, whether it is organic fertilizer granulator machine or others, we will encounter some difficulties during the growth process. These are inevitable and cannot be avoided. Therefore, organic fertilizer equipment is in Faced with these situations, I did not choose to escape, but faced it positively, and saw it as a test of myself, a powerful motivation to promote myself to success.

Organic fertilizer equipment uses its own strength as a weapon against market competition. When facing problems, it will use its own strength to solve the problem and help organic fertilizer equipment become stronger. This shows the importance of strength for organic fertilizer equipment. After a long-term development of organic fertilizer equipment, we have accumulated rich experience and have a deeper and clearer understanding of the market development trend. During the long and arduous growth process, we continue to learn the current international The most selected technology on the market to meet market demand, provide the market with the most satisfactory organic fertilizer as a development goal, and constantly transform organic fertilizer equipment.

After long-term efforts, the organic fertilizer equipment has won the approval of a large number of users with good equipment and high technical level. Organic fertilizer equipment is not only a leader in technology, but the overall quality of the equipment is also quite reliable. In the process of practical application, it can exert its greatest ability, help users create greater economic value, and help the prosperity of society. 

Production difficulties of organic fertilizer equipment and how to select the site

Production difficulties of organic fertilizer equipment and how to select the site

The application of organic fertilizer production line is now very common, and the effect of organic fertilizer is also very recognized. The organic fertilizer processing equipment has a set of production processes, and there are many details to be dealt with. How to do these details well and then make organic fertilizer? How to choose the investment site?

First of all, in terms of storage, machinery maintenance, public works and living facilities, we need to select regions with good cooperation requirements in terms of raw materials, fuel supply and commodity sales. The organic fertilizer equipment plant should also be close to water, with good water quality and sufficient power supply. The factory should pay attention to saving land, not occupying or less cultivated land, and the conditions such as the size and shape of the factory should conform to the scientifically arranged technological process, and reposition the appropriate R&D room. The factory should pay attention to the local natural environmental conditions, conduct pre-assessment after putting into operation, and select the production area of the factory and the construction site of the residential area. Select the area with convenient transportation and no natural disasters such as flood and debris flow.

1. Microorganism has plant nutrition (such as nitrogen gene), but it does not necessarily have the ability to decompose pollution (that is, the gene that decomposes substances). It is difficult to realize gene transfer, which is also a huge investment;

2. There are a variety of soil pollutants, with more than 105 substances polluting the environment. These pollutants are different from chemical components, so they cannot be mixed with 105 microorganisms. Gene transfer is more difficult to achieve;

3. The principle of biological pesticides and biological concluding agents and various kinds of bacteria are very large. In principle, bacteria are used. Therefore, it can only be made into a single fungicide. Moreover, the working hours are longer;

4. The bacteria in biological fertilizer are not typical soil microorganisms, which are difficult to survive in the soil, and can only be maintained for 3 months before use.

The Double Roller Extrusion Granulator for Compound Fertilizer Making is a necessary tool for NPK fertilizer’s efficient and successful production. This strong machine can produce compound fertilizer granules with uniform size and shape and high accuracy and consistency. The process of making granules using this granulator is simple and straightforward, allowing for larger batches to be produced fast and economically. This granulator is designed to handle a wide range of raw materials, enabling for the production of a wide range of compound fertilizer types. It can also process solid and liquid raw materials, making it incredibly versatile.

Why do we need an organic fertilizer granulator to process manure into fertilizer

 In today’s world, environmental protection, resource recovery and recycling are important topics for research in the 21st century. How to use the integrated organic fertilizer manufacturing process  to convert the organic waste and organic waste that have been accumulated into mountains into efficient organic fertilizer to return to nature to ensure the quality of human life has become a major problem facing us.. The unreasonable application of chemical fertilizers in China for a long time, the insufficient application of organic fertilizers and the uneven distribution, resulting in an imbalance of the proportion of nutrients in some farmlands, resulting in different degrees of damage to the farmland ecological environment, soil physical and chemical properties and soil microflora, affecting the quality and safety of agricultural products.

Therefore, attaching importance to the organic fertilizer manufacturing process has important strategic significance for the sustainable development of China’s agriculture. The following briefly introduces organic compound fertilizers to determine the market advantages and development prospects of organic fertilizer granulator machine.

Advantages of organic and inorganic fertilizer:

Organic-inorganic compound fertilizer is also called organic-inorganic compound fertilizer. It is a compound fertilizer containing a certain proportion of organic matter, which is obtained by adding a certain proportion of chemical fertilizer to the fully rotted and fermented organic matter, and thoroughly mixing and granulating. The main functional components are organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutrients. Generally, the organic matter content is ≥20%, the humic acid content is not high, and the total nutrients of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are ≥1 5%. Because it can provide organic nutrients and inorganic nutrients at the same time, the fertilizer effect is slow and slow, and the advantages are complementary. It can provide suitable nutrients according to different soil fertility conditions, can reduce the fixation and leaching of inorganic nutrients, improve fertilizer utilization, and reduce environmental pollution. At present, it is widely used in the cultivation of economic crops such as fruits and vegetables and protected fields with good results.

Process flow and equipment of chicken manure organic fertilizer production line

The organic fertilizer manufacturing process firstly needs to go through the rot process of chicken manure, and then add the appropriate biological functional bacteria agent to be processed into biological organic fertilizer.

一. Production process

1. Material preparation: main material: chicken manure and fertilizer thoroughly decomposed after one fermentation; functional fermentation fungus.

2. Site selection: select a leeward and flat terrain for operation.

二. Operation requirements

1. The size of the fermentation pile is: 0.8-1 meters high, 2.0 meters wide, unlimited length.

2. The water content of the fermentation reactor is 55-65%, and the moisture loss of the fermented fertilizer in one fermentation needs to be added.

3. The average temperature in the pile is lower than 55 degrees, fermentation for 7 days, if the temperature is too high, turn the pile or spread it evenly. The temperature drops to about 30 degrees, spread out, and dry naturally.

三. Specific operation

1. Fertilizer once fermented adjusts moisture to about 60%.

2. Add the bacteria uniformly and stir the fermented fertilizer at one time, pile up naturally, don’t use a shovel to pat it. In case of rain, cover with plastic film.

3. The use amount of the secondary fermentation functional bacterial agent is 5 ‰ (that is, the added amount per ton is 5 kg).

At this time, whether the organic chicken manure is completely rotted, whether it is made into powdered organic fertilizer with simple equipment or granulated with an organic fertilizer granulator machine, the finished product can be sold.

Application of new organic fertilizer granulator in agriculture

Application of new organic fertilizer granulator in agriculture

In recent years, due to the extensive application of organic fertilizer, organic fertilizer has gradually increased. Through the rich experience of Chinese farmers, in recent years, relying on organic fertilizer to improve soil, fertilizer and food production has greatly increased grain production. It can be seen that organic fertilizer plays an extremely important role in current agricultural production.

Nitrogen and other nutrients, such as organic fertilizer, are only a small part of organic fertilizer, and most of them are organic fertilizer. Organic matter is an important indicator of soil fertility. Even in the future, the retrieval of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium will be mainly provided by fertilizer, but organic fertilizer will still play an important role in improving soil and fertilizer.

The new type organic fertilizer granulator is one of the equipment of organic fertilizer production granulator. The new organic fertilizer granulator can not only granulate various organic substances, but also can granulate coarse fiber materials that are difficult to granulate by traditional equipment, such as livestock and poultry manure, urban garbage, crop straw, wine residue, mushroom residue, drug residue, sludge, etc.

Features: 1. The new organic fertilizer granulator has high granulation rate and dense particle size. The proportion is more than 90.

2. Wet raw materials can be processed, and there is no need to dry before granulation by the organic fertilizer stirrer.

3. There is no need to add adhesive. The internal materials will be inlaid with each other under certain force.

4. Spherical fertilizer with water content of 20-40.

5. The heavy seamless steel pipe ensures the stable operation of the fertilizer stirrer granulator.

Working principle of the new organic fertilizer granulator: compost materials can be mixed and sent to the new organic fertilizer granulator. After the material enters the machine through the feed port, the material is mixed, granulated, spheroidized and compacted in the machine through the high-speed rotating mechanical mixing force and aerodynamic force to achieve the purpose of granulation. The formed particles are pushed out at the other end of the granulator. The diameter of the produced particles can be controlled by adjusting the amount of raw materials and the rotation speed of the main shaft. The less the raw material is mixed, the higher the rotating speed is, and the smaller the granular fertilizer is.

How to use organic fertilizer composter to rapidly ferment organic fertilizer

Different kinds of microorganisms are involved in the fermentation process of plant residues in the organic fertilizer manufacturing process. Due to the changes in the raw materials and fermentation conditions of different plant residues, the number of various microorganisms is also constantly changing, so no microorganisms always dominate the plant residue fermentation process, and each environment has its own specific microorganism population. The main types of microorganisms involved in the fermentation process of plant residues are bacteria,

1) Bacteria During the aerobic fermentation process, there are a large number of bacteria. With a large specific surface area, bacteria can quickly absorb soluble substances in plant residues, allowing them to grow rapidly. In the early stage of fermentation, the temperature is low, mainly mesophilic bacteria. As the temperature of the fermentation reactor increases, mesophilic bacteria gradually decrease, and some Bacillus become the main body of bacteria.

2) Actinomycetes Actinomycetes are multi-cell hyphae bacteria that can decompose cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, etc. They do not have the ability of fungi to decompose cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, but they are more resistant to high temperature and high pH than fungi. Therefore, they are the predominant flora degrading cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin during the high temperature period of fermentation.

3) Fungi. Fungi are of great significance to the fermentation and maturation of plant residues. The mesophilic fungus Geotrichum and the thermophilic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus are the dominant bacterial groups in the fermentation process. Temperature is one of the most important factors affecting the growth of fungi. Most fungi are mesophilic fungi, which exist in the environment of 5 ~ 37 ℃. When the temperature rises to 64 ℃, almost all fungi disappear. When the temperature drops to 60 ℃ in the late fermentation period, mesophilic and thermophilic fungi will appear again.

In short, in the fermentation process of plant residues mainly rely on the role of microorganisms, microorganisms are the main body of fermentation, its source is the natural world, the second is artificial inoculation. In the fermentation process, high temperature will kill pathogens, eggs and weed seeds in plant residues.

How to use organic fertilizer granulator to process animal manure to produce fertilizer?

Current status of organic fertilizer manufacturing process abroad

The treatment of poultry manure in developed countries is usually towards industrialization, harmlessness, recycling, commercialization, compounding with large amounts of plant nutrients, crop specialization, multiple use and efficiency, simultaneous solid-liquid treatment, industrial technology,  biological treatment, and equal emphasis in the technology development. The development principle of livestock and poultry breeding is, first of all, beneficial to the use and treatment of manure. The breeding industry is mostly in the form of small and medium-sized individual farms, and the construction and design of livestock and poultry houses are conducive to the treatment of livestock and poultry manure and urine. To reduce the dilution of water to feces, which is beneficial to reduce the energy consumption in the process of manure water treatment. According to the water content of livestock and poultry manure, the treatment methods are mainly divided into dry manure removal and water flushing.

1. Dry cleaning method

(1) Compost. Use the scraping board and conveyor belt to store the feces in the empty mine site, and use them after piled. The United States and Russia use bedding grass or peat washer to transport the manure mixed with bedding to the compost yard at intervals, and use it after composting. This tradition also exists in the vast rural areas of our country. The advantage of this method is that the animal urine is absorbed by the litter, which avoids the loss of nutrients, but the loss rate of nitrogen volatilization through ammonia is relatively large, which can reach 30% to 50% of the total nitrogen. In order to avoid losses, the United States adopts high cages for raising chickens, accumulating chicken manure under the cages, covering them with straw or peat every day, and cleaning them every six months. In the United States, there is a compost production system called BIOTEC120, which was developed by Dr. Arrau after 20 years of research. It was awarded a US patent in June 1993 and was approved by the United Nations International Environmental Protection Organization. The system is composed of 10 large-scale rotating bioreactors. Through microbial fermentation, 1300 tons of feces or garbage can be processed into high-quality organic fertilizer within 72 hours. But the processing cost is expensive, and it has not been widely applied. If it can be fermented without rotation, the processing cost may be reduced.

(2) Biogas fermentation treatment. Through biogas fermentation, the odor of feces can be effectively removed. The biogas produced at the same time can be used for life and life.

Production, can achieve clean processing and renewable energy. Moreover, the biogas slurry after biogas fermentation can produce liquid fertilizer, and the biogas residue can also continue to ferment to produce organic fertilizer.

(3) Animal transformation. Through the conversion of earthworms and fly maggots into protein feed, the rest can continue to ferment to produce organic fertilizer, but this method of use is slow and the amount of processing is not much.

2. Water cleaning method

The water flushing dung is from the livestock and poultry pen. Many countries in Europe and the United States put the cleaned manure into the storage tank, and apply the liquid directly to the soil after anaerobic fermentation or biogas fermentation. The advantage is that the processing rate and utilization rate are high, but if it is transported to the field by car, the cost is not low. Even if there is a pipeline directly input into the field, it can only reduce the operating cost, and its initial investment is also high. Some countries also add some chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, etc. to these fermented liquids to produce organic and inorganic multifunctional liquid compound fertilizers. In Japan, the solid-liquid separation method is mostly used. The separated manure is used as an organic fertilizer after rot, and the separated liquid part is used to remove the particulate part in the liquid with sand and soil filter bed, or the acidification pool method is used to promote the decomposition of organic matter. The developed countries have attached great importance to the odor of livestock and poultry manure. Most of them use physical adsorption and chemical substances to deodorize. The aeration fermentation method in Japan is very effective. After 20 h at 20-40 ℃, the odor can be all eliminate. South Korea adopts trough fermentation and oil pressure rotary agitation, which is a more advanced fecal fermentation technology in the world.

Some countries in Germany and Eastern Europe treat livestock and poultry manure water through pipelines into urban sewage treatment systems for unified treatment. In general, some advanced facilities have too high operating costs and are not widely used even in developed countries in Europe and the United States. They mainly combine traditional composting methods with artificially inserted microorganisms with strong fermentation capabilities. 

3. Treatment method of crop straw

The cropping system in Europe and the United States is different from that in China. Most of them are the annual cropping and fallow rotation system. During harvesting, a straw crusher is hung behind the combine harvester to directly return the crops to the field, or to implement no-tillage and mulch farmland. There are also farms that use straw silage or fermentation as feed to form animal manure and enter the manure fermentation process to produce an organic fertilizer system. In Europe and the United States, straw is rarely used directly to produce organic fertilizer industrially.

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