What are the common compost fermentation equipment and what is the specific role in the fermentation process

What are the common compost fermentation equipment and what is the specific role in the fermentation process

Composting process, also known as fermentation process, refers to the degradation and stabilization of organic waste under the proper water content, oxygen concentration and other conditions through the action of microorganisms, so as to achieve the purpose of killing parasitic eggs and harmful microorganisms, reducing volatile substances in waste, and at the same time making the organic matter loose for safe treatment and preservation. Because the materials processed by compost fermentation do not contain pathogenic bacteria and weed seeds, they are suitable for application in soil to improve soil conditions.

Composting fermentation process generally includes fermentation, composting, aeration and other links. The equipment used in these links varies with the type of compost. Stack-type composting is to agitate the material by riding the tipper on the stack, thus playing the role of aeration to achieve the purpose of fermentation. Therefore, the device configuration is relatively simple and the function is single. The tank type aerobic fermentation has a distribution system, a tipping system, an aeration system, etc. The equipment is relatively complete, including: distribution truck, organic fertilizer composter, mobile crane, an aeration system, etc. Let’s introduce the functions of these equipment in the fermentation process.

1、 Organic fertilizer composter. In order to meet the requirements of moisture, acidity and alkalinity in material fermentation, some microbial fermenters need to be added. The tipping machine can give full play to its mixing function, so that the mixing operation can achieve the purpose of uniform mixing, stirring and removing the bottom. It can also improve the permeability of raw materials, make the raw materials become fluffy and elastic, absorb a lot of air at the same time, and raise the temperature of the fertilizer pile. If the temperature is too high, it can also absorb fresh air, so that the temperature can be reduced again, In this way, the alternating state of medium and high temperature is formed, which is beneficial to the growth and reproduction of microorganisms.

2、 Cloth truck. The function of the distributor truck is to evenly distribute the materials in the fermentation tank, so that the forklift does not have to enter and leave the fermentation tank frequently, reduce the cost of raw material transfer, and improve the work efficiency.

3、 Move the vehicle. Each tank-type aerobic fermentation system is generally composed of 8-10 fermentation tanks. However, there is only one tipping machine. In order to save equipment investment, multiple fermentation tanks share one organic fertilizer composter. This requires that the tipping machine be switched between different fermentation tanks. The moving crane plays the role of moving the tipping machine and the distribution truck from one tank to another.

4、 Aeration system. The function of the aeration system is to ventilate and aerate the fermentation materials in the tank, so that the microorganisms in the materials can interact with oxygen, and then make the materials fully ferment to produce valuable humus. The fermentation days can be shortened by aeration.

It can be seen from the above introduction that the organic fertilizer tipping machine plays an important role in the whole compost fermentation process. It is necessary to buy a good tipping machine. The dumping effect is good and the efficiency is high. It also has the functions of mixing, crushing and displacement. It also organically combines the electro-hydraulic technology and has a high degree of automation. It realizes the functions of central remote control and one-button operation. According to the needs of users, it can also realize the real-time transmission of temperature, moisture, oxygen content, etc. in the pile.

Technology of processing granular fertilizer with chicken manure through organic fertilizer granulator

The fertilizer manufacturing process of  bio-organic

(1) Preparation of microbial fermentation-based strain mixture

To produce bio-organic fertilizers, it is necessary to use bio-fermentation bases as strains. We use HM fermentation bases here. In order to bring more than 10 beneficial microorganisms such as nitrogen-fixing bacteria, potassium-resolving bacteria, phosphate-resolving bacteria, yeasts, actinomycetes, Bacillus megaterium, and Bacillus subtilis in HM fermentation base into contact with chicken manure more evenly A bag of 100 grams of HM fermentation base is divided into five equal parts, each 20 grams, in each HM fermentation base, add about 1-1.6 kg of wheat bran or soybean meal and other auxiliary materials, fully mixed evenly, we Call it a mixture of strains. In this way, about 200 kg of chicken manure can be fermented by each bacterial mixture.

(2) Two manufacturing methods:

The production of biological organic fertilizer for livestock and poultry manure can be divided into static processing and dynamic processing.

1. Technology of static processing and manufacturing of bio-organic fertilizer:

Static processing of bio-organic fertilizer is a self-made bio-organic fertilizer made by farmers in the field. It has a simple method, is easy to operate, has low investment, and is suitable for small professional farming households.

(1) Preparation of chicken manure and accessories

Choose an open space of about 30 square meters with flat ground, no water accumulation, and separate chicken manure and auxiliary materials.

In order to facilitate the mixture of strains and chicken manure to be evenly mixed, we divided 1000 kg of chicken manure into five equal parts. Each aliquot is about 200 kg.

Generally granular or powdered wheat bran, peanut shell powder, etc. as the main auxiliary materials, such as corn stalks, cotton stalks, etc. as auxiliary materials, they must first be cut into 5-10 cm length, too long will cause stirring inconvenient. The purpose of adding auxiliary materials is to adjust the water content and carbon-to-nitrogen ratio of chicken manure and increase the permeability of the fermented material.

(2) Construction of fermentation platform

After the chicken manure and auxiliary materials are prepared, a fermentation platform should be built according to the environment and the actual situation of the farmers.

When building a fermentation platform, choose a place that is sunny, flat, high in terrain, avoids air vents, and is easy to operate. First dig a number of parallel ventilation trenches, trench width 30 cm, depth 30 cm, trench beam width 20 cm. Spread branches, bamboo strips, straws, etc. on the ditch beams to form a bottom-permeable fermentation platform, which is convenient for ventilation and oxygen supply. Because the beneficial organism flora in the HM fermentation base belongs to aerobic strains, the fermented product can only be rotted better when the oxygen is sufficient.

After the fermentation platform is built, we can proceed to the manufacture of statically processed bio-organic fertilizer.

(3) Operation steps

Spread a mixture of strains evenly on the prepared chicken manure and mix well. During the mixing process, the water content of the chicken manure should be adjusted to about 60%, that is, hold a handful of chicken manure in the hand, hold it tightly, and see the water between the fingers but not drip. Let go of your hand and spread it out with a light touch. Such a water content is enough. If the water content is too high, add wheat bran, corn stover and other auxiliary materials to reduce the water content of chicken manure; if the water content is too low, add fresh chicken manure or sprinkle some water. Stack the stirred chicken manure on the fermentation platform.

Treat the other four piles of chicken manure in the same way, all piled together. At this time, the height is about 1-1.2 meters, the length and width are 1.5-2 meters square, the volume of compost is generally 1.5 cubic meters.

(4) Management of fermentation process

During fermentation, temperature control is very important. If the temperature is too low, it cannot reach the standard of maturation; if the temperature is too high, the nutrients of compost are easily lost. The temperature inside the compost is within 30 cm from the outside to the inside. Therefore, the thermometer used to measure the temperature, its metal rod must be longer than 30 cm, when measuring, it must be inserted more than 30 cm in the compost in order to accurately reflect the fermentation temperature of the compost.

Requirements for fermentation temperature and time:

After composting, chicken manure enters the first fermentation stage. It will automatically heat up to above 55 ℃ for 5 to 7 days, then it can kill most of the parasite eggs and harmful bacteria, reaching the harmless treatment standard. Turn the pile once every 3 days or so, which is conducive to ventilation, heat dissipation and rot.

After 7-10 days of fermentation, the temperature naturally drops below 50 ° C. Since some strains lose their activity due to high temperature during the first fermentation process, the second fermentation is required. Add 5-8 kg of strain mixture again and mix well. At this time, the moisture is controlled at about 50%. If you grab a handful of chicken dung in your hand, hold it tightly, the palm is wet, and there is no water seeping between your fingers, indicating that the water is suitable.

The temperature of the second fermentation must be controlled below 50 ° C. After 10-20 days, the temperature in the compost has dropped below 40 ° C, which has reached the maturity standard.

(5) Matters needing attention in the fermentation process

In the process of manufacturing bio-organic fertilizer by static methods, attention should be paid to:

Covering the surface of the fermented material with a layer of finely crushed straw of about 10 cm or sprinkling a layer of superphosphate can reduce the evaporation of ammonia gas and avoid the loss of nutrients.

In case of strong wind during fermentation, the top should be covered with straw and other air-permeable materials to reduce the evaporation of water and the loss of temperature.

Livestock manure is stored for too long or there are more straws and weeds in the manure, and less manure. You can add some rapeseed meal, urea or fresh chicken manure to increase the nitrogen content, increase the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio, and speed up the fermentation. Improve fertilizer quality.

The pH value of the compost should be controlled at 5.5-8.5. If the pH value of the compost is lower than 5.5, it is too acidic, and quick lime can be added for adjustment.

It should be avoided to produce bio-organic fertilizer in the open air during the rainy season as much as possible to avoid excessive moisture.

For example, during the process of composting, the moisture is too high and the permeability is poor, you can insert a few straws in the middle of the fermentation pile to help ventilation.

When the color of the bio-organic fertilizer becomes dark brown or yellow-brown, the surface of the organic fertilizer inside the compost has a lot of white hyphae, no raw chicken manure, no maggots, no odor, and a slight ammonia smell. The bio-organic fertilizer manufactured in a static manner has reached the maturity standard. It can be used as base fertilizer or top dressing directly in the field.

The above introduces the method of using small-scale static processing of chicken manure to produce bio-organic fertilizer. Farmers can arrange production according to local conditions according to different manure sources, site size and fertilizer demand.

Is it feasible to build an organic fertilizer processing plant?

It is feasible to build an organic fertilizer equipment plant, because the policy of “replacing fertilizer with organic fertilizer” has been implemented nationwide, and the application of organic fertilizer is gradually increasing. Many investors want to seize this opportunity and invest in building organic fertilizer plants. To build an organic fertilizer plant, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive planning, clearly understand what is required to build an organic fertilizer processing plant, so as to successfully run the plant and deal with the problems in subsequent production. What are the requirements for building an organic fertilizer processing plant?

The location of the organic fertilizer equipment plant is very important and has a long-term impact. According to relevant regulations, the construction of organic fertilizer plants should be far away from residential areas, because odor and dust will be generated during production. If it is too close to the residential areas or is often located in the upper area, over time, it will directly affect the health of nearby residents, affect the normal production of the plant, and may also lead to failure to pass the environmental assessment.

Organic fertilizer equipment processing plant should be close to the origin of main raw materials. Not more than 50 kilometers, close to the origin of main raw materials can reduce costs. The raw material of organic fertilizer is large in volume and weight, which is not convenient for transportation. If the distance is too far, the transportation cost will increase, the cost will increase, and the price of organic fertilizer will also increase, which will reduce their market competitiveness.

Planned production scale of the organic fertilizer equipment factory: Before the establishment of the factory, it is necessary to plan the annual processing capacity of the organic fertilizer processing factory, whether the annual output is 3-5 tons or 5-10 million tons. The annual output determines the type of equipment to be purchased for the organic fertilizer production line. The annual output is between 10000 tons and 50000 tons. Buy small organic fertilizer production line equipment. The organic fertilizer output of 5-10 million tons is suitable for buying medium and large organic fertilizer production line equipment. The total price of each model is different, so the production volume should be planned in advance and the capital budget should be prepared to facilitate the later operation and turnover.

Purchase of organic fertilizer equipment and processing of fertilizer production line equipment: There are many kinds of fertilizer in the market: granular organic fertilizer, powdered organic fertilizer, etc. It is recommended to purchase a complete set of organic fertilizer processing equipment, which can produce both granular organic fertilizer and powdered organic manure, which can meet different purchasing needs.

How can cow dung be fermented into organic fertilizer? What machines are needed?

lthough cow dung is a good raw material for organic fertilizer, if it is not fermented, it will still emit a bad smell, and will cause disease and insect pests and the risk of burning roots and seedlings. In fact, in recent years, with people’s attention to green and healthy food, the sales market of organic fertilizer is also getting better and better. Let’s see how cow dung can be made into organic fertilizer.

First of all, we should carry out fermentation. The main purpose of fermentation is to make the cow dung fully decompose at high temperature, so that the bacteria and weed seeds in the dung will be eliminated. The same beneficial fermentation bacteria added will multiply a large number of beneficial microorganisms and improve the various beneficial trace elements of organic fertilizer. During fermentation, we should adjust the carbon and nitrogen ratio of about 25:1, water content of about 55%, and then put in the fermentation agent, The fermentation cycle is about 15-20 days. During this period, it is necessary to carry out regular mixing and temperature control to make the raw materials better contact with oxygen, so as to achieve the goal of accelerating fermentation and ripening. If it is a small amount of operation, we can use manpower or a small agricultural forklift to carry out the tipping treatment. If the amount is large, we need to use a professional cow manure organic fertilizer composter. After the end of the fermentation cycle, our cow manure organic fertilizer will be fermented. However, the organic fertilizer fermented in this way is relatively crude, only suitable for self-use or short-distance sales, and the profit point is also very low. If it can be made into commercial organic fertilizer, the profit per ton should be at least 200-300.

If we want to produce commercialized organic fertilizer, we need to carry out further processing. Powdery organic fertilizer needs to be broken into powder by using cow manure organic fertilizer crusher, and granular organic fertilizer needs to be made into cow manure granular fertilizer by using organic fertilizer granulator. Therefore, we need to determine the production process of organic fertilizer according to the market situation, and determine the production process, so we can configure a complete set of equipment production plan targeted.

Which kind of raw material is suitable to choose disc granulator for granulation

Disc pelletizer is a professional organic fertilizer granulator machine in fertilizer manufacturing process. Choosing the disc granulator, first of all, is familiar with the performance characteristics of the disc granulator. It can provide help for the rational selection of disc granulators. With the replacement of organic fertilizer equipment. The characteristic of the plane rotary disc granulator is that the main body mechanism is fixed, and the internal disc rotates, and the materials entering the disc are rotated into balls by centrifugal rotation. The rotating speed of the plane rotary disc granulator is relatively high, which is more suitable for materials with good adhesion, relatively high density, and low output requirements. It is characterized by high particle uniformity and fast discharge.

With high-efficiency disc granulators, it is not that disc granulators will withdraw from the stage of history, but that in the field of production of organic fertilizer spherical granules, it is no longer the era of disc granulators.

Inclined disc granulator is a relatively traditional process. The base of the disc granulator is fixed. The reducer is driven by the motor, and then the outer disc of the inclined disc granulator is rotated. Into the ball. This type of disc granulator has a low rotation speed and an adjustable tilt angle, which is suitable for the production of spherical granules such as organic fertilizers and compound fertilizers. It is characterized by high output and simple operation.

Advantages of organic fertilizer equipment for waste resource utilization

Advantages of organic fertilizer equipment for waste resource utilization:

1. The resource utilization of manure through organic fertilizer equipment can not only reduce environmental pollution, but also improve the biological safety level of breeding enterprises, reduce the prevalence of infectious diseases of livestock and poultry, produce high-quality organic fertilizer, improve the quality and safety of agricultural products, generate clean energy, and realize environmental protection. Let the rural economy embark on the fast track of development of “safety, environmental protection and efficiency”.

2. The organic fertilizer will become natural organic fertilizer under the fermentation of microorganisms after the processing and production procedures of organic fertilizer equipment and sterilization, and can be used for the cultivation of fruits, vegetables and flowers. The original diseases and pests harmful to crop growth in livestock and poultry manure have been basically eliminated. In addition, bio-organic fertilizer is fermented and fully decomposed before being applied to the soil, which will not cause crop root burning and seedling burning.

3. The combination of planting and breeding is an important way to realize the emission reduction of agricultural sources. The working principle of the equipment of the organic fertilizer production line is simply to ‘eat’ the organic wastes such as animal manure and ‘spit’ the organic fertilizer, which can not only improve the environment, but also bring economic benefits to the farmers. Make agricultural scale, standardization and mechanized production possible, reduce costs and increase added value. At the same time, the problem of agricultural non-point source pollution has also been solved.

How to adjust the gear size of organic fertilizer equipment dryer

For the installation of the manure dryer of the organic fertilizer equipment, each part needs to be installed in place to ensure that there is no hidden danger in the production process of the equipment. The parts to be adjusted mainly include two sets of small wheels, large gears, installation and sealing of incoming and outgoing materials, etc. How to adjust the big and small gears when installing the manure dryer of organic fertilizer equipment?

1、 Installation of two small wheels of manure dryer for organic fertilizer equipment

After the two sets of small wheels are placed in position, the angle line must be aligned and the two ends of the line must be parallel. If there is a height error, it can be cushioned under the base and treated firmly. The two sides of each set of small supporting rollers must be horizontal. This is very important. It directly affects the stable operation of the whole stool dryer. The adjustment of the two apertures is the second important part after the small roller. First, adjust the left and right balance of the aperture, use the thread adjustment method or the thimble method to adjust by reference, and then adjust the roundness of the aperture. When adjusting, loosen the base plate at the symmetrical position first, and fix it tightly after adjustment. Spot welding can be carried out, and it is appropriate to fix it firmly. Secondly, the gap between the small roller and the large aperture should be uniform, which is mainly determined by adjusting the height and slope of the small roller.

2、 Adjustment of big gear of chicken manure dryer for organic fertilizer equipment

The adjustment of the big gear is the adjustment of the spring steel plate. The adjustment method is the same as the adjustment of the big aperture. The meshing of tooth surface is the key to adjust the big gear. First, the tooth surface should be evenly occluded and pay attention to the slope. Second, the distance between the tooth head and the tooth base is 6mm. The tooth surface should be adjusted evenly on both sides. Use a feeler gauge to check and press the lead wire to check. After the adjustment, the fixation should be completed by applying force and marking. The pinion base shall also be marked for inspection during production. The bridge base must be reinforced and fixed 100% firmly and marked around, and it can be checked once per shift.

Functions of different types of organic fertilizer granulators

The tooth stirring granulator machine is suitable for the granulation of light and fine powder materials. The finer the basic particles of the fine powder material, the higher the sphericity of the particles and the better the quality of the balls.

Disc pelletizer is suitable for granulating organic fertilizer, compound fertilizer, compound fertilizer, organic and inorganic compound fertilizer. Because of the high granulation rate, large hourly output, stable operation, sturdy and durable equipment, and long service life, it has been selected as the ideal granulation equipment by the majority of users.

Drum fertilizer granulator machine raw material is very suitable for large-scale production of cold and hot granulation and high, medium and low concentration organic fertilizers, compound fertilizers. The ball-forming rate reaches 85%, there is a small amount of return material, the size of the return material is small, and it can be re-pelletized.

The material adaptability of the roll extrusion granulator is very extensive. It can be used for granulation of various raw materials such as compound fertilizers, medicine, chemical industry, feed, coal, metallurgy, etc., without drying process, granulation at room temperature and one-time molding.

Organic fertilizer equipment can reduce the environmental pollution caused by feces

Organic fertilizer equipment reduces environmental pollution caused by feces! With the continuous development of China’s economy, people’s awareness of environmental protection is becoming stronger and stronger, and the requirements of livestock manure and urban waste for environmental protection are becoming more and more serious.

How to dispose of manure and protect the environment in organic fertilizer equipment has become one of the important issues restricting the steady and healthy development of the association. If the excrement is not treated in a centralized way, it will seriously pollute the air and water quality, and cause a very serious impact on people’s production and life. Therefore, the excrement will be treated in aquaculture to achieve clean farming and turn waste into treasure. The treated excrement is a high-quality fertilizer for producing pollution-free vegetables and green food, while significantly improving the quality of crops, reducing the content of harmful substances and heavy metals in crops, which is beneficial to human health.

Organic fertilizer equipment is specialized in the treatment of livestock and poultry excrement, which effectively reduces the pollution of livestock and poultry excrement to the environment, thus achieving the goal of environmental protection. Moreover, the organic fertilizer produced by the organic fertilizer production equipment can effectively regulate the soil, improve the quality and solve the problem of soil hardening.

In the past two years, the state has vigorously advocated and supported the project of processing chicken manure into organic fertilizer, given subsidy policies, strengthened the deep treatment of chicken manure produced in chicken farms, turned waste into treasure, and produced high-quality agricultural machinery fertilizer to minimize the environmental pollution of manure, reduce production costs, and improve economic benefits. Organic fertilizer equipment has put the breeding industry on a virtuous cycle of sustainable development.

Does the dried chicken dung and cow dung still need to be fermented?

Sun-dried chicken dung and cow dung need to be fermented. The chicken dung and cow dung that is fermented belongs to the category of farm manure. Fermentation treatment is the key step of organic fertilizer production by the organic fertilizer granulator, with the purpose of deodorization, sterilization and adding beneficial bacteria. Unfermented raw materials contain a large number of harmful bacteria such as heavy metals, insect eggs, weed seeds, etc. If applied directly, it will not only cost poor fertilizer efficiency but also increase the probability of crop diseases and insect pests.

Methods of fermenting chicken dung and cow dung in large-scale organic fertilizer processing plants:

There are three common fermentation methods: fermentor fermentation, strip and pile fermentation, and tank fermentation.

Fermentation in fermentation tank is a new type of fermentation equipment. The raw materials are put into the fermentation tank for fermentation. The equipment has deodorization system, ventilation system, mixing system and auxiliary heating system. The characteristic is that it is not affected by the ambient temperature, it can be produced at any time, and the fermentation speed is fast.

The strip and pile fermentation, which is conducted in an open field, is suitable for organic fertilizer processing plants with limited site conditions and do not want to invest a lot in civil engineering. Features The operation of the fermentation site is flexible, and the self-propelled stacker is convenient to walk.

For tank fermentation, a fermentation tank is built in the plant area. The upper end of the fermentation tank wall is equipped with a rail. The tank type tipping machine walks on the rail. The raw materials are put into the tank. The tipping machine walks back and forth to flip the materials. The characteristics are that the operation of the organic fertilizer granulator equipment is stable, and it is suitable for the organic fertilizer processing plant with a slightly large output and batch production.

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