Which organic fertilizer granulator can produce fertilizer from pig manure

Pig manure organic fertilizer granulator machine: Whether you like to eat pork or not, 700 million pigs are there, and the problem is that these 700 million pigs bring more than 100 million worth of manure.

Pig manure is very “fat”. Today, no one will question the necessity of environmental protection in pig breeding. How to do it has become a problem that the industry really needs to think about. The same thing may look completely different from different angles. These hundreds of millions of tons of manure can be the source of pollution in some people’s eyes, and why can’t they be the source of wealth in the eyes of others? Turning pig manure into organic fertilizer, turning garbage into resources, and endless troubles suddenly become Endless benefits, all problems suddenly solved?

Reality is never as full as ideal. Regardless of whether it is a pig farm or an organic fertilizer plant, it seems that at present it has not really found a way to perfectly connect the two. The production of organic fertilizer is a completely unfamiliar technology for pig farms, and it is difficult to accept huge investments. The use of pig manure raw materials is also full of unknowns for organic fertilizer plants. Various residues of heavy metal antibiotics are even bluntly stated by the fertilizer industry.

Who can build a bridge between the two first? We will think of the government habitually. The government does a lot, ranging from regulations to subsidies. But everyone understands that the market is the biggest force. We are very pleased to see that leading companies like Wen’s, Muyuan and Dongrui have already made many successful attempts.

Only when every individual in the market starts to benefit from it, the 100 billion market in the theory of swine manure organic fertilizer can be truly activated, and then the pig manure naturally becomes a fat difference.

Q: How do pig manure mature?

Answer: Pig manure has a fine texture, less cellulose, and high nutrient content. It is a good organic fertilizer. But because of its high water content, slow maturity, and less heat released during fermentation, it belongs to cold fertilizer.

Its fermentation is slower than sheep and horse dung. Fermentation requires a certain temperature and humidity. The temperature of pig manure fermentation should reach 60 ℃ -70 ℃, and the moisture content should reach about 60%. (The judging method of 60% water content is to hold the pig manure tightly with your hands to make it into a lump, and let go when you loose it.) If the temperature is not enough, you can cover the film, or mix some horse manure. When the water content is high, the manure can be pulled apart to evaporate the water, and when it is not enough, add water. In addition, adding some nitrogen fertilizer can speed up the fermentation.

The standard for good fermentation of pig manure is: the color is yellow-green, with white mycelium-like substances, and the smell is not strong and slightly alcoholic. Pig manure has a water content of 81.5%, organic matter of 15.0%, nitrogen of 0.60%, phosphorus of 0.40%, and potassium of 0.44%. The nutrient content is high, balanced, soft, and the fertilizer effect is large and long, which is “warm fertilizer”. Pig manure has a fine texture and complex ingredients, containing protein, fats, organic acids, cellulose, hemicellulose, and inorganic salts. Pig manure contains more nitrogen and a smaller ratio of carbon to nitrogen (14: 1). It is generally easily decomposed by microorganisms, releasing nutrients that can be absorbed and utilized by crops. After decomposing, it can be applied to cold soil, sandy soil and clay field to improve the soil.

What are the environmental protection requirements for the site selection of organic fertilizer plant

selection of organic fertilizer plant for organic fertilizer equipment processing?

The environmental protection requirements for the site selection of organic fertilizer plant for processing organic fertilizer equipment are very important, because the impact of waste gas, sewage, noise, etc. produced by the organic fertilizer plant in the process of processing and producing organic fertilizer on the surrounding residents, if the surrounding of the organic fertilizer plant is not conducive to the implementation of environmental protection measures, and there are problems in the later environmental protection inspection, it is necessary to close the door for rectification.

Common environmental protection problems and prevention methods in organic fertilizer plants:

1. Discharge of waste liquid and waste gas

Most of the raw materials of organic fertilizer are poultry manure, waste and perishable substances. During the composting and fermentation stage of organic fertilizer raw materials, it is easy to produce harmful gases such as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide. Such waste gases will cause different degrees of harm to human respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous systems. Even if some odors are not harmful to health, they will also stimulate and affect human spirit or mood.

Many raw materials of organic fertilizer contain a lot of water, such as pig dung, cow dung, chicken dung and other raw materials. In the process of raw material accumulation and fermentation, waste liquid will flow out and seep into the ground, causing pollution to groundwater

2. Odor pollution

The raw materials for processing organic fertilizer are poultry manure, kitchen waste and other organic waste. The raw materials themselves have an unpleasant odor. During the fermentation process, the odor is greater and is not good for human respiratory system. Biological deodorization is the most widely used method in the production of organic fertilizer manufacturers. This method uses the activity of microorganisms to decompose and transform the odor to achieve the purpose of deodorization. This method is simple and easy to operate. It is suggested that organic fertilizer manufacturers should build closed raw material warehouses, fermentation workshops and secondary aging workshops if conditions permit, so as to reduce the leakage of odor and harmful gases during the conversion process.

3. Noise pollution

In the process of processing and producing organic fertilizer by organic fertilizer equipment, the pulverizer, screening machine, ventilator of fermentation equipment, deodorization blower of deodorization equipment, etc. will produce noise. Over time, people’s hearing will be damaged. We can install damping and noise reduction equipment for organic fertilizer equipment. If the budget is sufficient, we can build a soundproof room.

How about the market of organic fertilizer? Great market potential

As a prospective enterprise owner preparing to invest in organic fertilizer plants, how do you believe in the sales of organic fertilizer? What is the prospect of organic fertilizer industry? Is your most important concern. Let’s analyze this problem in many ways.

1. Total amount and utilization rate of organic resources

At present, China’s annual organic fertilizer resources are about 4.5 billion tons. There are about 4000 organic fertilizer manufacturers in the country. The annual production of organic fertilizer is about 5000 tons, and the utilization rate is less than 2%. While the normal utilization rate is about 40% – 60%, under the utilization rate of less than 2%, the proportion of organic fertilizer is only less than 20%, and the development space can be imagined.

2. Comparison of the proportion of organic fertilizer in foreign countries

According to the latest data, the proportion of organic fertilizer use in developed agricultural countries in the world is about 45% in the United States and about 55% in the United Kingdom; About 65% in Germany; France is about 35%, Australia is about 55%, Canada is about 60%, South Korea is about 48%, and Japan is about 75%. However, as a large agricultural country with a long history, the utilization rate of organic fertilizer in China is only less than 20%

3. China’s attitude towards organic fertilizer production

I believe you have heard the news that the state vigorously supports the organic fertilizer industry from any way, and there are clear instructions:

(1) Party committees, governments at all levels, all agriculture-related institutions and fertilizer manufacturers must have a deep understanding of the importance and necessity of the production and use of organic fertilizer for China’s agricultural production. Only by using the organic fertilizer granulator to produce enough organic fertilizer can the quality and quantity of Chinese agricultural products be guaranteed.

(2) Take all powerful measures to give certain tax relief to enterprises producing high-quality organic fertilizer. Give certain subsidies to organic fertilizer manufacturers and purchase organic fertilizer equipment. Give farmers a certain subsidy policy for using organic fertilizer. (3) Maximize the use of all livestock manure. All crop straws and all organic materials are used to produce high-quality sheep manure organic fertilizer, cow manure organic fertilizer, nutrient organic fertilizer, straw organic fertilizer, etc. through the organic fertilizer granulator.

According to the survey of these data, how about the market of organic fertilizer? What is the prospect of organic fertilizer industry? You already have the answer in your mind. Summary: The market potential is great!

Precautions for using fertilizer processed by organic fertilizer production line

Produced by the organic fertilizer granulator machine is comprehensive in nutrition, contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements, has long-lasting fertilizer effect, can improve the soil environment, and the application of organic fertilizer has an important effect on crop yield and quality. However, improper selection and use of organic fertilizers can also cause crop damage and yield reduction. Please pay attention to the following points when selecting and using organic fertilizers:

1. Pay attention to choose high-quality organic fertilizer

High-quality organic fertilizers are the basis for high-quality and high-yield crops such as vegetables and fruit trees. The quality of organic fertilizers used by farmers is uneven, and some are even mixed with urban sludge and domestic garbage. Even some of the chicken manures bought were mixed with mud, or were mixed with caustic soda by some unscrupulous traders (to increase the volume). After applying these inferior organic fertilizers to the soil, the effect can be expected. Therefore, high-quality organic fertilizers must be used in production. It is best to use regular large-scale factories when choosing commercial organic fertilizers.

2.Make sure to rot before applying

The current composting process still lacks the necessary maturity judgment standards and detection methods. In addition, the sources of organic fertilizers are complex and diverse. Therefore, for chicken manure and cow dung, which often carry germs, insect eggs and weed seeds, they are directly applied or piled. Incompletely roasted rot will adversely affect crop growth.

3.Strictly control the amount of fertilization

In general, organic fertilizer has a large volume and low nutrient content. It needs a large amount of application to meet the needs of crops, but not as much as possible. For example, it is advisable to apply 15-20 cubic meters of pure chicken manure and 35-40 cubic meters of decomposed soil and mixed fertilizer per acre per season. For eggplants and vegetables, the amount of fertilizer required is large, and the upper limit may be used; for leafy vegetables, the amount of fertilizer required is slightly smaller, and the lower limit may be used.

4.Organic and inorganic application

Organic fertilizers are full of nutrients, slow to release, and have long fertilizer effects. When crops need high fertilizer growth, they are often in short supply; while inorganic fertilizers are generally relatively simple in content, easily decomposed and absorbed by crops, but have insufficient stamina. Therefore, organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer must complement each other to complement each other.

5.Mainly Shiji and Shenshi

Organic fertilizers have long-lasting effects and slow nutrient release, and are generally applied as base fertilizers. In deep ploughing, the application of organic fertilizer is beneficial to the integration of soil and fertilizer and promotes the formation of soil aggregate structure, which can effectively improve the physical and chemical properties of soil and increase soil permeability.

6.Good effect with the application of biological fertilizer

Whether organic fertilizer is applied basally or flushed, it is best to use bio-fertilizer. The biological bacteria in the biological fertilizer can accelerate the decomposition of the organic matter in the organic fertilizer, making it more conducive to crop absorption, and at the same time can decompose and transform some harmful substances in the organic fertilizer to avoid damage to the crop. Generally, when organic fertilizer is applied at the base, 150-200kg of bio-fertilizer can be applied per acre, and 20-25kg per acre can be applied for topdressing.

Operation skills and structure configuration of trough type organic fertilizer composter

The trough-type organic fertilizer composter has a reasonable overall structure, good rigidity, balanced stress, concise, solid, safe and reliable performance, easy operation, and strong applicability to the site. Except for the thick frame, all parts are standard parts, which is convenient for use and maintenance.

Trough-type composter solves the problems of difficult granulation of biological coarse fiber and poor effect. The main machine adopts belt drive, and the ring mold adopts quick-release hoop type. To ensure uniform feeding, the door cover is equipped with a forced feeder, and the designed fully automatic control electric heating device can immediately adjust the dry and humidity of the material. The pressure angle can be automatically adjusted by using the principle of two-way rotation of the thrust bearing, so that the material will not be squeezed or stuffy.

Adjust the clearance between the composter template and the pressure wheel, and the proper pressure can make the ripening degree and compactness of the particles reach a good effect. The tipping machine carries out high wear-resistant heat treatment on the flat die and press roll. The cost of high wear-resistant parts is relatively low, the particle forming rate is high, and the particle strength is high.

The structural configuration of the trough type organic fertilizer composter is as follows:

It is composed of transmission device, lifting device, walking device, tipping device, transfer vehicle and other main components.

The motor directly transmits the power to the cycloidal pinwheel reducer through the sprocket to the tipping drum. The mixing blades on the drum are spirally distributed, which can turn and stir the materials in the fermentation tank to a distance of 0.7-1m, achieving the effect of fast tipping speed and uniform mixing, so as to achieve full contact between the materials and the air, making the fermentation effect of the materials better.

Power transmission device: This device is composed of motor, reducer, sprocket, bearing seat, main shaft, etc. It is an important device to provide power for the tipping drum. Traveling device: the device is composed of traveling motor, transmission gear, transmission shaft, traveling sprocket, etc. Lifting device: the device is composed of winch, coupling, transmission shaft, bearing seat, etc.

Overturning device: the device is composed of sprocket, support arm, overturning drum, etc. Transfer vehicle: This device is composed of traveling motor, transmission gear, transmission shaft, traveling wheel, etc. It provides a temporary carrier for the slot change of the tipping machine.

At present, many pig farms set sewage pipes underground, which does not occupy the ground area and can separate the sewage pipes, that is, set underground sewage pipes; The blister dung process and the leaky floor are both better ways to treat the underground sewage.

Technology and equipment of fertilizer production line using straw to process organic fertilizer

Process and equipment for processing commercial organic fertilizer using crop straw

(1) Production and processing of plant residues and refined organic fertilizer manufacturing process

Using plant residues to refine organic fertilizers is the simplest method for plant organic fertilizers manufacturing process. First, the plant residues are crushed into materials less than 3 cm with a semi-dry grinder, and then according to the nutritional requirements of fermenting microorganisms (generally inoculated with high temperature bacteria), a variety of plant residues are compounded into culture materials, inoculated with microorganisms, and passed through Auxiliary heating can produce a lot of heat within 4-5 days of fermentation, so that a large amount of water in the raw materials can be evaporated, quickly deodorized, quickly dehydrated, low energy consumption, low production cost and economic. However, this organic fertilizer has a low degree of fermentation and maturity, and once it is wet with water, it can easily cause rancidity or worms.

(2) Production and processing of bio-organic fertilizer after fermentation of plant residues

Bio-organic fertilizer refers to organic materials formed by specific functional micro-bovines (such as nitrogen-fixing bacteria, phosphate-solving bacteria, potassium-releasing bacteria, etc.) and harmlessly processed and decomposed animal and plant residues (such as livestock and poultry manure, crop straws, etc.) A compound type of fertilizer with microbial fertilizer and organic fertilizer effect. The essential feature of bio-organic fertilizer is that it contains higher organic matter and microorganisms with specific work and specific functions. The contained microorganisms exhibit certain fertilizer effects, such as improving soil fertility, fixing nitrogen in the air, assisting crops to absorb nutrients, activating insoluble plant nutrients in the soil for crop absorption, etc., or producing multiple active substances or resisting pathogenic bacteria Substances have a good stimulating and regulating effect on crop growth, reduce or reduce the occurrence of crop diseases and insect pests, and improve the quality of agricultural products.

Compared with ordinary organic fertilizers, the production technology content of bio-organic fertilizers is relatively high. In addition to the addition of biological fungi that promote the decomposition and decomposition of organic materials during the rot process, to achieve the purpose of directional rot and deodorization, it is also added to the product Microorganisms with specific functions to enhance the effect of products. To produce this type of organic fertilizer, the first thing is to have the technology and ability to produce specific functional microorganisms. After crushing a variety of plant residues, select a compound fermentation microorganism that is basically consistent with the biological characteristics of the existing specific microorganisms. According to the characteristics of the compound fermentation microorganisms, the crushed plant residues are compounded and a certain amount of inorganic compounds are added to make a fermentation culture material. , Adopting trough stacking fermentation method, flat-ground stacking fermentation method, fermentation tank fermentation method, closed warehouse fermentation method or tower fermentation method, etc., the decayed material basically achieves the harmlessness of the product, which is beneficial to the addition of functional bacteria during the post-processing Survive. In the post-processing of fermentation materials, it is usually added with functional bacterial agents for compounding and shaping; the product dosage form is mainly powder, and there are also granulation techniques. Most of them use disc granulation, drum granulation or extrusion granulation. less. : Granular products overcome the shortcomings of poor appearance and low level of powder products, improve the product’s commerciality, but also increase the production cost of the enterprise and have a certain impact on the survival of effective bacteria.

Composition and maintenance of organic fertilizer equipment of small chicken manure dryer

The chicken manure dryer is suitable for large, medium and small chicken farms and areas where the breeding industry is relatively developed. According to the requirements of drying products, different heat sources can be used. Such as: gas producer, direct-heated hot air stove, indirect hot air stove, heat transfer oil, electric heating, steam, etc. This machine is suitable for chicken manure, duck manure, poultry manure, slaughtering waste, etc. with water content less than 65%. It has good effects on opening up feed resources, reducing feeding costs and reducing environmental pollution.

The organic fertilizer equipment of the small chicken manure dryer is mainly composed of a heat source, a feeding machine, a feeding machine, a rotary drum, a material crushing device, a discharging machine, an induced draft fan, a discharger and a power distribution cabinet; After the dehydrated wet material is added to the dryer, the material is evenly distributed in the dryer and fully contacted with hot air under the overturning of the uniformly distributed plate reader in the drum, which accelerates the heat and mass transfer of drying. During the drying process, the material is discharged to the star-shaped discharge valve at the other section of the dryer under the action of the inclined plate reading and the hot gas.

In the process of using the organic fertilizer equipment of the small chicken manure dryer, it is necessary to do a good job of maintenance. For example, in the long-term use of small chicken manure dryer, attention should be paid to:

1. At any time, carefully check whether the connections are firm and whether all parts are in good use. If any abnormality is found, timely notify the maintenance personnel for maintenance.

2. The hydraulic oil must be kept clean. The hydraulic oil should be replaced once when the new machine runs for the first week. When changing the oil, the used hydraulic oil in the oil tank and the oil cylinder should be drained and wiped clean. Continue to use it for one month and then replace it once every six months to ensure the normal use of the filter press.

3. The maintenance of the hydraulic system of the small chicken manure dryer is mainly the inspection and maintenance of the sealing of the hydraulic components and all interfaces.

4. The pull plate trolley, sprocket chain, bearing, piston rod and other parts shall be inspected regularly to keep the matching parts clean, with good lubrication performance and good operation instructions of hydraulic filter press to ensure flexible action. The synchronization of the pull plate trolley and the suspension of the chain shall be adjusted in time.

5. The sealing surface of the filter plate of the small chicken manure dryer should be checked frequently to ensure its smoothness and cleanness; Before compaction, the filter cloth shall be carefully checked to ensure that it is free from folding, damage and slag inclusion, and that it is flat and intact to ensure the filtering effect; At the same time, the filter cloth should be washed frequently to ensure the filtering performance of the filter cloth.

6. If it is not used for a long time, the filter plates should be cleaned and neatly placed on the frame of the filter press. Dry the filter cloth after cleaning; The exposed part of the piston rod and the integrated block shall be coated with grease.

The characteristics of the roller granulator in the npk fertilizer production line

With the development of environmental protection and organic agriculture, the use of organic waste to produce organic fertilizer production line through bio-fermentation has been rapidly developed. And the disposal of organic waste has become harmless and resource-oriented. However, most of the biofertilizer project fermentation are a coarse powder or irregular small pieces, which is inconvenient to use and is particularly disadvantageous for large-area machine broadcasting. In this case, a new type organic fertilizer granulator machine came into being. It is used to granulate various organic substances after fermentation, breaking through the conventional organic granulation process.

The subject of the invention is method of PK and NPK fertilizer production line by feeding to the granulation process superphosphate slurry, so-called MSP slurry, together with MAP slurry or instead of MAP slurry, in amount to 100% by weight of P2O5 contained in fertilizer. Total participation of MAP and MSP slurry amounts from 5 to 80 % by weight of fertilizer. MSP slurry is a suspension containing mixture of mono- and dicalcium phosphates and calcium sulphate in saturated solution by above salts above mentioned and free phosphoric acid. MSP superphosphate slurry is obtained in the reaction between phosphate rock and mixture of phosphoric and sulfuric acids in mutual ratio: from 40 to 63% by weight of phosphate rock, from 37 to 60% by weight of mixture of phosphoric and sulfuric acids. The amounts of the acids are given as 100-percent acids.

working principle and characteristics of disc granulator machine

Organic fertilizer granulator machine: most of the structure of the disc granulator: each machine is composed of components such as a flow bracket, a sorting disc, a sports frame, an ore receiving slot, a feeding slot, and a developing heat pipe. The selection disc is actually a circular table with a degree of taper of l: 0.02. The disc is supported on the motion frame through the core shaft, and there is another circular track on the bottom surface, which is stuck on the supporting roller. The revolving weight and the electric effect and its transmission elements are installed on the sports frame. The sports frame is made of pure steel hoisting on the flow bracket. When the electric effect rotates, the idler pulls the disc to rotate in a 6.5 second turn , Rotate the heavy hammer with a progress of 300 to 400r / min, so that the disk surface shakes in response to the progress.

The task principle of the disc granulator: each machine and the cross-flow transmission belt chute are conceived using Bagnold shear practice and the flow film mining principle. When the slurry is given from the core of the disc to the primary selection area of the disc surface, the slurry is on an inclined surface Moving upwards, the ore group is affected by the flow force and the shearing force caused by the heavy hammer, and the stratification and classification will soon stop. The yield of heavy ores with large particle size and density will first settle on the vertical surface; Heavy minerals and light minerals with large particle size and small density are sinking in the lower part of the vertical plane; light minerals with small particle size and small density are not able to settle and flow to the tailings connection mine. The minerals of various nationalities sinking in the primary selection area were brought back to the selection area by the rotating disc, and were repeatedly washed by the developing water, so that all secondary light minerals flowed to the medium mine slot, and the dense heavy minerals flowed to the fine Mine to mine slot.

The use characteristics of the disc granulator

(1) Each machine adopts a heavy hammer installed on the motion frame to shake the selection surface with high frequency rotation, and successive track-type circular activities occur to strengthen the shearing effect of the liquid flow. Moreover, this kind of circling shear force is directional, and can lose a strong evacuation pressure, so that the ore particles are constantly turning on the disk surface, thus slowing down the grading and settling progress of the ore particle group on the disk surface. Improve the quality of the goods and solve the power. 

(2) The sorting surface of each machine is a conical surface, which gradually increases from the feed end to the discharge end. When the pulp is given to the sorting surface, the speed of light of the pulp quickly decreases, and the thickness of the ore layer quickly becomes thin The heavy mineral deposits are displayed from coarse to fine. After entering the selection area, the developer water scatters towards the winding position. The coarse-grained minerals in the upper part are washed down and then settled in the lower part, so that it has two development opportunities above, and the fine-grained items in the collapsed part are once. Indirect flushing to the concentrate trough is beneficial to coarse-grain-level improvement of quality and fine-grain-level recovery.

Is it profitable to set up an organic fertilizer equipment and fertilizer processing plant in the countryside?

The demand for fertilizer is increasing, and the country is now focusing on the development of organic agriculture. Therefore, opening an organic fertilizer equipment factory is a good project.

In terms of production scale alone, the small-scale organic fertilizer processing plant is based on an annual output of 10000 tons to 30000 tons, which is also the most selected production line scale for investors who are new to the industry. As a production line, it is not composed of single equipment or 2-3 equipment. The complete set of equipment is composed of many kinds of equipment. Their type selection, specification and quantity directly affect the final price of the production line. That is to say, the price of the production line with the same output is not the same, even very different. Under the same output, the powdery production line is much cheaper than the granular production line, but the corresponding powdery finished organic fertilizer is not as expensive and profitable as the granular organic fertilizer.

Cost input of organic fertilizer equipment:

In the production process of organic fertilizer, raw material costs, transportation costs, labor costs, packaging costs, etc. need to be considered. If we cooperate with the farm, the farm will invest in the construction of greenhouses and fermentation tanks on the original site where the farm’s excrement is stacked, and the organic fertilizer manufacturer will invest in the organic fertilizer equipment to treat the excrement, which not only solves the problem that the farm owner’s excrement can not be treated, but also saves a part of the costs of the organic fertilizer production investor. The cooperation between the two parties through investment or compensation trade will reduce the investment or production costs.

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