Organic fertilizer granulation machine processing fertilizer to increase agricultural production and profit farmers

Organic fertilizer granulation machine processing fertilizer to increase agricultural production and profit farmers

Since the 1990s, China has become the largest fertilizer and production and consumption country in the world, and one of the regions with the highest level of fertilizer input in the world. At the same time, by 2000, China has become the fifth largest pesticide consumption market in the world. Excessive application of pesticides and chemical fertilizers not only brings harm to farmland soil, but also poses a huge threat to the environment and food safety.

Why is the utilization rate of fertilizer so low?

The first is that a large amount of chemical fertilizer is applied all year round without adding organic fertilizer, which causes the content of soil organic matter to decrease year by year, resulting in a sharp decrease in the number of soil animals and microorganisms that use it as food, a decrease in the soil aggregate structure, and a low soil aeration porosity and water-holding porosity, which leads to the fertilizer being unable to be maintained, washed away by the rain and volatilized, or just remaining in the soil as it is and not being absorbed.

The second is that excessive chemical fertilizer destroys the soil fertility structure, resulting in the accumulation of harmful substances that pollute the soil. The mineral raw materials and chemical raw materials used to manufacture chemical fertilizers contain a variety of heavy metal radioactive substances and other harmful components, which enter the soil with fertilization and cause pollution.

Third, the single use of chemical fertilizer led to a decline in the quality and taste of vegetables and fruits. Because the growth process of crops requires not only nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in chemical fertilizers, but also many trace elements such as calcium, iron, zinc and selenium, the long-term use of chemical fertilizers alone can easily lead to crop nutrition imbalance, resulting in the internal transformation and synthesis of crops being blocked, and ultimately leading to the decline of crop quality, the sweetness of melons and the fragrance of vegetables.

The livestock manure organic fertilizer production line is made by mixed fermentation with chicken and pig manure as the main raw materials, adding a certain amount of nitrogen fertilizer, phosphorus fertilizer, potassium fertilizer, magnesium sulfate, and other substances, and using rice bran, yeast, soybean meal and sugar as biological bacteria for a certain period of fermentation under the action of sulfuric acid. This organic fertilizer can eliminate soil hardening, increase crop yield, and has ripening function. It can be widely used in agricultural production, with low application cost and no environmental pollution. It is beneficial to improve the soil and overcome the saline-alkali soil hardening caused by long-term use of chemical fertilizers. It is suitable for wheat, rice, peanut, melon and fruit trees and other crops. It can improve the quality of crops and fruits, and is beneficial to human health. It is the fertilizer of choice for planting pollution-free green food.

All across the globe, farmers are producing substantial levels of fertilizer to use in the crops they can be growing. There are specific forms of tools for this process, organic fertilizer production lines, that are designed for producing thousands of tons of fertilizer regularly. This is a kind of equipment which is step to the producer of fertilizer, regardless of where the very first source originated.

Organic fertilizer manufacturers use granulators to produce commercial organic fertilizer

Advantages of commercial organic fertilizer application

1. Complete nutrition
Commercial organic fertilizer is rich in organic matter. In terms of production technology, the rotary drum granulator can provide crops with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and various medium and trace elements by adding different nutrients into raw materials. After applying commercial organic fertilizer to crops, the quality and yield of agricultural products can be significantly improved.
2. Improve soil fertility
Through the targeted processing of fertilizer production line, commercial organic fertilizer can improve the physical and chemical properties of soil, enhance the ability of air permeability, water retention and fertilizer retention of soil, prevent soil hardening and acidification, significantly reduce the adverse effects of soil salinity on crops, enhance the ability of crop resistance to stress, disease and insect resistance, and alleviate continuous cropping obstacles.
Application quantity of commercial organic fertilizer

Amount of base fertilizer

1. Facilities of fruits and vegetables: watermelon, strawberry, pepper, tomato, cucumber, etc. the base fertilizer is 300-500kg per mu per season
2. Open field melon, vegetable, watermelon, cucumber, potato, green bean, onion and garlic, the base fertilizer is 300-400kg per mu per season. For leafy vegetables such as vegetables, the base fertilizer is 200-300kg per mu per season
3. Grain crops: wheat, corn, rice, etc. the base fertilizer is 200-250kg per mu per season
4. Oil crops such as sunflower, rape, peanut, soybean, etc. the base fertilizer is 300-500kg per mu per season
5. Fruit trees, tea, flowers, mulberry trees, etc. according to the age of trees, the base fertilizer is 500-750kg per mu per season
6. For the newly leveled raw soil plot, 750-1000 kg / mu should be applied every year within 3-5 years, then the soil fertility can be gradually restored and improved


Amount of seed fertilizer

According to factors such as climatic conditions, planting systems, farming patterns, farmers’ fertilization habits, and economic conditions, it is advisable to adopt a combination of commercial organic fertilizers and chemical fertilizers. Fertilizer granulator machine price value for money, improve the quality of fertilizer. According to the characteristics of crops, the variety and quantity of chemical fertilizer should be reasonably adjusted. At the same time, the organic fertilizer should be increased by 40-50kg per mu, so as to gradually improve the soil basic fertility, create a good crop growth environment, improve the land productivity, and realize the increase of production and income.

Chicken manure organic fertilizer production line processing fertilizer to increase chicken farm income

Chicken manure organic fertilizer production line processing fertilizer to increase chicken farm income

The digestive tract of the chicken is very short, and the time for the nutrients to stay in it is also very short, resulting in a low digestibility and utilization rate of nutrients, generally only 30%. The rest is excreted with the stool. It also causes a great waste of feed nutrition. So chicken dung is rich in nutrients.

How to make use of chicken manure from large-scale breeding plants to produce green ecological organic fertilizer? First of all, according to the situation of large-scale chicken farms and the amount of breeding, estimate the approximate annual production. In combination with the local site conditions, you can choose to stamp production of ground noodles or build grooves for production and treatment. Then select corresponding organic fertilizer equipment to assist. Finally, prepare raw materials, auxiliary materials and chicken manure fermentation bacteria for aerobic compost fermentation, and finally use the complete set of organic fertilizer equipment production line for granulation production, and finally use the packaging machine to package the whole bag, which can be sold.

The equipment used in the granular organic fertilizer production line is: mixer, pulverizer, granulator, screening machine, automatic packaging machine, etc. The cost is between 150000 and 400000 yuan. The equipment used in the powdery organic fertilizer production line is: mixer, pulverizer, automatic packaging machine (optional), with the cost of 60000 to 100000 yuan. The powdery organic fertilizer production line uses fewer machines than the granular organic fertilizer production line, and the investment is relatively small. So in the market, powdered organic fertilizer is cheaper than granular organic fertilizer. The price of powdered organic fertilizer is 300-600 yuan/ton, while the price of granular organic fertilizer is 750-1000 yuan/ton. The profit of removing the cost of powdered organic fertilizer is between 150-200 yuan, and the profit of removing the cost of granular fertilizer is between 200-400 yuan. According to the total profit of organic fertilizer produced by the organic fertilizer plant every year minus the cost of building plant, labor and purchasing equipment, the net profit can be several hundred thousand.

Organic fertilizer equipment vigorously promotes the green cycle development of animal husbandry

Organic fertilizer equipment vigorously promotes the green cycle development of animal husbandry

Many people feel that the land is no longer good, the input is getting bigger and the output is getting lower and lower! If you still remember the taste of our childhood, you will find that the taste of the fruit we eat is getting worse! Why are there more and more strange diseases of modern people? As the saying goes, illness comes from the mouth! To this end, our agricultural people need to wake up from bottom to top! In the past, we worked for food. But now we should not only eat well, because the market demand has changed! The food and fruit we grow are for eating, but now the food we grow is becoming less and less delicious.

China’s economic development has entered a new stage and has also put forward new requirements for agriculture. In order to meet and adapt to this demand, the agricultural means industry needs to make some adjustments. Among them, organic fertilizer is a product type with relatively fast development and good performance in recent years.

When it comes to organic fertilizer, it is often related to organic fertilizer production equipment. As the organic fertilizer processing equipment, livestock and poultry manure and crop residues have been well solved, the environmental pollution has been reduced. Making the treated waste gas into organic fertilizer can not only meet the nutritional needs of crops, but also improve the soil structure. The resulting cow manure organic fertilizer production line has greatly helped farmers. What are the advantages of organic fertilizer production equipment compared with other traditional equipment?

First of all, in terms of cost, everyone is more concerned, because the organic fertilizer production equipment is fully automatic production equipment, there is no need to worry about operation. According to different seasons and temperatures, the temperature required for operating equipment and oxygen supply system will also vary greatly, so the later fermentation will be more sufficient and the fermentation speed will also be faster.

In addition, when designing organic fertilizer production equipment, it can be started without consuming a lot of energy. Compared with traditional equipment, this equipment has good non-polluting ventilation performance, small area and fast deodorization speed. During the whole production process, organic substances can be decomposed, and harmful substances such as bacteria in livestock and poultry manure can be killed.

Organic fertilizer production line control drum granulator to improve particle roundness

The time and frequency of material rolling in the rotary drum granulator are the primary factors to determine the pelletizing rate and particle roundness. The roundness of granular product in fertilizer production can be improved by controlling the drum granulator.

Production principle of rotary drum granulator
Materials rely on surface tension, proper amount of liquid phase, extrusion force generated by rolling between materials, and correct movement direction of materials in the granulator, with small particles as the core, they absorb and adhere to each other and form balls in rolling. In a certain period of time, the higher the rolling frequency is, the higher the spheroidization rate is, and the rounder the particles are.

In the process of production, we have encountered two kinds of situations due to the different friction between materials and the wall of granulator.
1. The internal surface finish of granulator is large, so that the friction force between material and cylinder wall is reduced, and the upward movement force of material is weakened. If the material does not roll, it will not produce particles. In view of this situation, we can solve this problem by adjusting the speed of the granulator and installing a small plate inside.
2. The material in the drum granulator is severely stuck to the wall, and the friction between the material in the granulator and the wall of the barrel is increased, which raises the material in the machine too high, causing the material to fall from the top, so that the formed particles are not Rounding and excessive large particles, we think there are two reasons for this situation: on the one hand, the material is caused by too much viscous material, in this case, we change the formula of the fertilizer production line to reduce the amount of viscous material; on the other hand , The inside of the granulator is not smooth. In this case, we change the internal material to increase the smoothness of the granulator.
On the other hand, we should also control the reasonable amount of material returned to the whole fertilizer production line. The process of rotary drum steam granulation is different from that of general fertilizer granulator, the relative pelletizing rate is lower, and the amount of returned material is higher. The amount of returned material directly affects the output and quality. The product has less particles, more powder and larger amount of return material, which directly affects the output. Large particles return more materials, directly affect the smoothness and roundness of the product.

Organic fertilizer production line processing fertilizer to increase crop yield

There are a large number of pathogenic bacteria and parasites in the farm manure. If it is not properly treated, it will become the source of infectious diseases of livestock and poultry, parasitic diseases and zoonotic diseases. At the same time, the farm manure also contains a large number of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and some heavy metal elements. If it is not properly treated, it will easily cause soil, water and air pollution, and pose a threat to human health. Livestock and poultry excrement includes chicken excrement, pig excrement, cow excrement, sheep excrement, horse excrement, duck excrement, rabbit excrement, pigeon excrement and other livestock and poultry excrement, as well as straw decomposed organic fertilizer. These livestock and poultry excrement and straw are pure organic fertilizer when they are not processed or decomposed and fermented in any way. If farm manure is not decomposed and fermented, and is directly used on crops, it will cause soil hypoxia, disease and pest breeding, and slow fertilizer efficiency Problems such as fermentation, seedling burning and harmful gas damage affect crop growth and harvest. The main substance in bio-organic fertilizer is organic matter. The application of bio-organic fertilizer increases the content of organic matter in the soil. Organic matter can improve the biological characteristics of the soil, ripen the soil, and improve the soil fertility. Therefore, bio-organic fertilizer is becoming a new trend in agricultural development. The prospect of processing organic fertilizer with poultry and livestock manure is very broad, and the scale can be further expanded in the later stage, so that the manure produced by more farms can be recycled. After fermentation, bio-organic fertilizer is crushed by semi-wet material crusher, granulated by organic fertilizer granulator, dried and dehydrated by dryer, and then screened by screening machine. The finished organic fertilizer is ready and can be packaged, stored and sold.

  1. Beneficial microorganisms in the process ofbio-organic fertilizer production line play an important role

After a variety of functional microorganisms contained in bio-organic fertilizer enter the soil, they produce a large number of secondary metabolites during the growth and reproduction process, which can promote the formation of soil aggregate structure. The formation of granular structure makes the soil become loose and soft, the water and fertilizer retention performance is enhanced, the water, air and heat are more coordinated, and the soil hardening is reduced, which is conducive to water conservation, fertilizer conservation, ventilation and root development, and provides a comfortable growth environment for crops. The improvement of soil physical and chemical properties strengthens the activities of beneficial microorganisms in the soil, thus maximizing the decomposition and transformation of organic matter, producing a variety of nutrients and irritants, which in turn stimulates the growth and development of microorganisms, promotes crop growth, and ultimately achieves the goal of increasing production and income. In addition, functional microorganisms form dominant populations around the roots of crops, inhibit or antagonize the growth and reproduction of harmful pathogens, reduce the degree of crop disease, and thus increase the yield.

Bioorganic fertilizer contains a variety of functional microorganisms and rich organic matter, which can improve soil structure and play a role in nutrition, conditioning and health care for crop growth. The reduction of the amount of chemical fertilizer applied has correspondingly reduced the nitrate content in agricultural products. The experiment shows that bio-organic fertilizer can reduce the nitrate content of vegetables by 48.3-87.7% on average, increase the content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium by 5-20%, increase vitamin C, decrease the content of total acid, increase the reducing sugar, and increase the sugar-acid ratio, especially for tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, etc., which can significantly improve the taste of raw food. Therefore, with the use of bio-organic fertilizer, the leaves of agricultural products are fresh and tender, taste sweet, and taste better.

  1. What to use bio-organic fertilizer to reduce crop diseases

Bio-organic fertilizer can alleviate crop diseases in three ways: first, the growth and reproduction of functional microorganisms in the fertilizer can form dominant populations in the crop rhizosphere soil micro-ecosystem, inhibit the growth and reproduction of other harmful microorganisms, and even antagonize some harmful pathogenic bacteria, reducing the harm opportunities of harmful microorganisms. Second, functional microorganisms secrete various metabolites into the crop rhizosphere soil micro-ecosystem during the growth and reproduction process. These metabolites can stimulate crop growth and improve the ability of crops to resist adverse environment. Third, the bio-organic fertilizer has comprehensive nutrient elements, the crops grow healthily, have good plant type and reasonable population, enhance the disease resistance of crops and reduce the occurrence of diseases. For example, in the cabbage experiment, the incidence rate of soft rot disease was 2% when bio organic fertilizer was applied, while that of vegetable fertilizer and dried chicken manure was 17% and 20% respectively. So we suggest that you eat melons, fruits and vegetables grown from organic fertilizer for your own and family’s health. That is why the country advocates the use of organic fertilizer.

Organic fertilizer equipment promotes planting and breeding cycle and green development of agriculture

Organic fertilizer equipment promotes planting and breeding cycle and green development of agriculture

At the initial stage of fertilizer use, it mainly depended on the good soil foundation at that time (the use of compost and compost was large in the past). With the extension of time, the organic matter in the soil was gradually consumed and could not be replenished in time, and the soil environment deteriorated, which led to today’s bad results. Soil is the foundation of agriculture, and soil health agriculture can develop steadily! It is not difficult to change the current soil problem in China. In a word, “make up the lost soil and restore its essence”.

Organic fertilizer plays an important role in promoting the planting and breeding cycle and the green development of agriculture, and organic fertilizer enterprises mainly absorb agricultural waste, which has certain environmental and public welfare properties. It is suggested that organic fertilizer enterprises should be included in agriculture and forestry for registration, management and supervision. Especially in the aspect of environmental protection supervision, organic fertilizer enterprises are allowed to transport the raw materials in a reasonable short distance under the condition that all kinds of equipment are covered and sealed.

The combination of planting and breeding is an important way to realize the emission reduction of agricultural waste sources. The working principle of the equipment of the organic fertilizer production line is simply to ‘eat’ the organic wastes such as animal manure and ‘spit’ the organic fertilizer, which can not only improve the environment, but also bring economic benefits to the farmers. Make agricultural scale, standardization and mechanized production possible, reduce costs and increase added value. At the same time, the problem of agricultural non-point source pollution has also been solved.

Fertilizer equipment is accessible for decades. Before, fertilizer could be something as simple as manure that would originate from cattle or sheep. There are many animals that may produce feces that may be divided into base components, providing nitrogen, potassium, plus phosphorus that are important for the growth of certain crops. Once you have usage of fertilizer equipment, you ought to be specific together with the type that you need. Simply because the sort of initial ingredients or components must match up with what it is specifically capable of doing.

Different types of organic fertilizer granulators are suitable for producing which kind of granular fertilizer

If the organic fertilizer is granulated, the core of the fertilizer production line – organic fertilizer granulation equipment is indispensable. At present, there are various organic fertilizer materials, such as: disc pelletizer, flat die pellet mill, new type organic fertilizer granulator, rotary drum granulator, extrusion granulator, etc. Which organic fertilizer granulator is suitable for users?

In fact, each granulator has its own characteristics and needs are different, so it should be selected according to its own situation.
Extrusion granulator is a new generation of granulation equipment. It is produced by non drying process at room temperature, with one-time molding and output of 1-1.5 t / h and 1.5-3 t / h. The equipment has less investment and good economic benefit. The layout of fertilizer production process is compact, the technology is advanced, and the production mode of extrusion granulation is energy-saving and consumption reducing, and no three wastes are discharged. The operation of the extruder is stable, reliable and easy to maintain. It has a wide range of raw material adaptability, and is suitable for granulation of various raw materials such as compound fertilizer, medicine, chemical industry, feed, etc., with high granulation rate.
The production of compound fertilizer by rotary drum granulator is a process of realizing hot granulation. By increasing the temperature of materials and increasing the solubility of salt in granulation water system, the amount of liquid phase meeting the granulation requirements can be obtained under low water content, which can effectively reduce the heat consumption in drying process and fully improve the production capacity of the equipment. Therefore, the quality of granulation performance determines the production of rotary drum granulation The key to yield and quality of compound fertilizer.
The organic fertilizer granulator machine price is low and has good quality, its output is suitable for most users. The shell of the machine is made of thickened steel pipe, which is durable and never deformed. In addition, the stable base design makes its operation more stable. Our company has developed various specifications of 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, etc. Our factory can also design other specifications of granulators according to user requirements.

How to build a simple organic fertilizer production line in a chicken farm

How to build a simple organic fertilizer production line in a chicken farm

  1. Chicken dung is combined with corncob to produce organic fertilizer. The chicken dung and corncob are fully mixed with a forklift. The corncob absorbs the water in the chicken dung, and the water content of chicken dung is reduced. After the corncob absorbs water, it and chicken dung together produce heat fermentation, and produce organic fertilizer after sterilization and ripening. Due to the addition of corncob, the content of organic matter in organic fertilizer reached the required standard, while the content of heavy metals in chicken manure was also diluted and decreased.
  2. Raw materials (taking the production of 1 ton of organic fertilizer as an example): 1.8 tons of human manure or livestock manure, 0.3 tons of straw powder or leaf powder, 2.5 kg of corn flour, and 1 kg of bacterial rapid fermentation agent. Human excrement, livestock and poultry excrement+leaves or straw powder+corn flour+bacteria species→mixing → composting → drying. First, control the water content of the mixed raw materials to about 40% – 50%, then mix the bacteria with the water surface, spread it on the surface of the mixed fertilizer, and manually and evenly put the raw materials into the mixer for crushing and mixing. The water content of fertilizer should be controlled when it is mixed and crushed. Generally, the water content should not exceed 40-45%. Too much or too little water will affect the fermentation quality, so it is appropriate to squeeze the fertilizer into the dough with your hands, see the water in your hands, but do not drop it, and drop it on the ground. Stir evenly, thoroughly and fluffy without leaving raw blocks. The mixed ingredients are piled into strips with a width of 1.5-2 meters and a height of 0.3-0.4 meters, and covered with straw curtains or sacks for aerobic fermentation. Generally, the temperature of stacking can rise to 50 ° C within 24 hours and 60-70 ° C within 48 hours. During fermentation, such high temperature can kill all pathogenic bacteria, insect eggs, grass seeds, etc. According to the fertilizer making test, it generally takes 6 days to compost in spring, summer and autumn, and 7 days in winter. When the white hypha grows on the top and bottom of the fertilizer, that is, it is all ripe, and it can be dried and screened slightly.

3 Chicken dung contains a large number of harmful microorganisms, which must not be directly applied, and must be subject to deep high-temperature fermentation. There are two main purposes of certain fermentation. One is to kill harmful bacteria, and the other is to organicize the under-digested substances to increase the content of actual organic matter. Fermentation is mainly carried out in the fermentation tank, that is, chicken manure is piled up in the fermentation tank. It is best to add appropriate amount of fermentation bacteria at the same time, and then use agricultural plastic film to cover the fermentation. The fermentation time is usually 10-20 days. 3.2 The chicken dung after deep fermentation shall be dried and crushed. The shredded chicken manure can be directly applied, but it is only called traditional farmyard manure, not commercial organic fertilizer.

  1. There are two types of equipment for chicken manureorganic fertilizer production line: granular production line and powder production line. The prices of these two kinds of equipment are different. The prices of the two organic fertilizers sold on the market are also different. Process flow of commercialorganic fertilizer production line: crushing ->mixing ->granulation ->drying ->cooling ->coating ->screening ->metering sealing ->warehousing of finished products. Finally, our common commercial organic fertilizer will be produced.

Effectively use pig manure organic fertilizer production line to process fertilizer

Operation process of organic fertilizer production equipment: organic fertilizer raw materials (livestock manure, domestic garbage, dead branches and leaves, biogas residue, waste bacteria, etc.) are fermented and then enter the semi-wet material crusher for crushing, and then add elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (pure nitrogen, phosphorus pentoxide, potassium chloride, ammonium chloride, etc.) to make the mineral elements meet the required standards, and then have a mixer to stir, and then enter the granulation mechanism particles, and then dry after coming out, The qualified products are screened by the screening machine and packed. The unqualified products are returned to the granulator for granulation.

Among them, the reasonable collocation of the fineness of raw materials is crucial for the production process of organic fertilizer. The fineness of the whole raw material should be matched as follows: 100-60 mesh raw material accounts for about 30-40%, 60-mesh raw material accounts for about 35%, and small particles with diameter of 1.00-2.00 mm account for about 25-30%. The higher the fineness of the material, the better the viscosity, and the higher the surface finish of the particles after granulation. However, in the production process, the use of super proportion and high fineness materials is easy to cause problems such as oversized particles and irregular particles due to poor viscosity.

If pig manure can be processed into organic fertilizer, it can not only effectively use pig manure resources, but also not worry about market. Fermented pig manure can be used directly as fertilizer or as raw material to produce compound organic fertilizer, which can thoroughly solve the environmental pollution problem caused by livestock manure and carcasses, and ensure the large-scale, green and sustainable development of the aquaculture industry.

Organic fertilizer processing equipment has many advantages in processing and producing organic fertilizer. Through services close to farmers, land and consumer groups, we can find scientific and reasonable formula, production characteristics, and high value-added organic fertilizer products, so that the whole industry can enter the track of sound development. The pace and combination of grass-roots agricultural production to help farmers increase production and create income.

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