Vigorously promote green circular development of animal husbandry in rural areas

Vigorously promote green circular development of animal husbandry in rural areas

1、 Vigorously promote the resource utilization of livestock and poultry breeding wastes. Support eligible counties (cities, districts and banners) to promote the resource utilization of livestock and poultry manure, use organic fertilizer production lines to process fertilizer, and encourage the mechanized application of liquid manure. The farms (households) that return all the livestock and poultry manure to the farmland for harmless use shall be subject to registration management without applying for a pollution discharge license. We will improve the standards for the fertilizer utilization of livestock and poultry manure, and support farmers’ cooperatives and family farms to apply manure in crop production.

2、 Promote the circular development of agriculture and animal husbandry. We will strengthen the overall planning of agriculture and animal husbandry and make animal husbandry the focus of agricultural restructuring. Agricultural areas should promote the combination of planting and breeding, encourage the construction of agricultural and animal husbandry recycling livestock and poultry farms around large-scale planting bases, promote the return of manure to the field, and strengthen the feed utilization of agricultural and sideline products. In the ecotone of agriculture and animal husbandry, forage, straw and other resources should be comprehensively utilized to develop herbivorous and animal husbandry, strengthen the ecological restoration of degraded grassland, and restore and improve the productivity of grassland. Grassland pastoral areas should adhere to the principle of determining livestock by grass, make scientific and rational use of grassland, and encourage the development of family ecological pasture and ecological animal husbandry cooperatives.

Focusing on large animal husbandry counties and large-scale farms, and taking agricultural organic fertilizer and rural energy as the main utilization direction, we should improve the system, strengthen the implementation of responsibilities, improve the supporting policies, strictly enforce the law and supervision, strengthen scientific and technological support, strengthen the equipment guarantee, comprehensively promote the resource utilization of livestock and poultry breeding wastes, use organic fertilizer production lines to process fertilizer, and accelerate the construction of a new pattern of sustainable development that combines farming and animal husbandry, and agricultural and animal husbandry cycle, Provide strong support for building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.

We will focus on major fruit and vegetable tea counties and animal husbandry counties to implement the action of replacing chemical fertilizers with organic fertilizers. Increase investment in the resource utilization of livestock and poultry breeding waste, support large-scale farms, third-party treatment enterprises, and social service organizations to build manure and organic fertilizer production line facilities, and actively promote the use of organic fertilizer.There are three ways that you can make a profit from your animal manure. First of all, you can sell the manure directly. There are many businesses that are likely in your area that may have a shortage of manure that they can convert into compost for this purpose. Second, you can produce compost from the manure which can also be sold. Third, you can buy an entire compost fertilizer plant and produce fertilizer granule that you can sell. Although the initial investment can be high, it will be more than profitable once you are producing fertilizer on a continual basis.

Npk fertilizer production line focuses on combining two or more different types of nutrients. These can be technologically advanced systems that use many different ingredients to produce compound fertilizers. The mixing process is the most complex part of creating the fertilizer you will use. These usually include roller granulator, belt conveyor system, distributor, bucket elevator and packaging machine.

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