Working principle and performance characteristics of organic fertilizer drum granulato

The drum granulator is a machine used for granulating organic fertilizers. It is used for granulation of various organic substances after fermentation, breaking through the conventional organic granulation process. Before granulation, the raw materials do not need to be dried or crushed, and spherical particles can be processed directly with ingredients, which can save a lot of energy.

The working principle of the drum granulator: The material enters the front end of the rotating cylinder through the feeding pipe (the slope of the feeding pipe should be greater than the natural inclination angle of the material). The steam inlet pipe located at the front end of the cylinder sprays a certain pressure of water vapor. Due to the fact that the steam inlet nozzle is located at the bottom of the material. And the steam has a certain pressure. Therefore, the material can obtain some moisture more evenly and form smaller particles. Due to the certain inclination of the drum granulator body for compound fertilizer and compound fertilizer. These small particles continuously move around the circumference and axis of the cylinder under the action of gravity and lining friction, and gradually form particles of certain specifications during the movement.

Be sure to choose a powerful manufacturer to purchase a complete set of organic fertilizer drum granulators, and the price provided by the manufacturer for purchasing the complete set is more affordable; Moreover, the manufacturer has strong strength, guaranteed equipment quality, and prices are more open and transparent, without intermediaries earning price differences; In addition, large manufacturers usually have professional managers to tailor production line plans for users and allocate equipment reasonably, so overall, users can buy a more affordable set of organic fertilizer drum granulators; And in the later stage, it can create higher profits for users.

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